5 months ago

TW video audio The date of this is October 21, 2024

The guy doing the podcast goes by TW and he lives near snow Valley, California, which is near big bear.

The alliance is the military thats working with Trump which we call the white hats.

USS constitution is in old navy ship made out of wood that still floats today on the East Coast. It’s usually kept in a Boston Harbor, but sometimes they take it out to sea.

Blue Beam is an advanced projector that can project an image where it looks real as if you’re seeing an actual thing happening so they can fake a plane flying in the sky or a UFO flying in the sky or an nuclear explosion.

The dock worker strike is what happened on the beginning of October and it was all about the system that was changing so in order for the system to change, they needed the dock workers to stop working so what they did was to keep it secret they faked a strike. This system puts the harbor under the new Republic of America.

The EAS means the emergency alert system this system replaced the EBS which means emergency broadcast system.

This next lockdown is being done by the white hat military, who are the good guys, and the reason for the lockdown is to keep people inside their homes and safe. In the audio, he said they will fake explosions using the blue beam projector. They will project an nuclear explosions and it will look real and this will be used to also encourage people to stay in their homes.

There will be earthquakes they are the military blowing up the underground military bases, and there are these entities that the deep state created that live in these underground bases that might get out so this is the reason for the lockdown. The lockdown will allow the military to go after these entities if they escape and it will keep people out of harms way.

While people are in their homes during this time, there will be videos That will be put out explaining what has been going on in government in Hollywood on Wall Street in our financial system when it came to wars and all the stuff that the deep state have been doing behind our backs and they will run these videos nonstop for a few days. This will help people understand a lot of things that will be the ultimate red pill.

The Ghetti is the Ghetty museum which has a very large underground facility under the museum.

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