Kennedy Announces White House Run: Anti-Vaxx RFK Looks To SHAKE UP Democrat Primary

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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Anti-vaxx RFK is running for President but he refuses to call the vaccines "bioweapons".
Edward Szall is here to report from RFK Jr.’s announcement that he is seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination and running for President.
RFK Jr still hasn’t released a month old interview with Karen Kingston where she revealed the truth about the weapon of biowarfare.
Kennedy has also shown some courage because he has burned relationships with his friends and family while taking a stand against the vaccine.
RFK has done some good when it comes to increasing awareness on the dangerous effects caused by vaccines, but when it comes to the bioweapon he is protecting Pfier’s legal and criminal immunity.
Politicians refuse to use the word “bioweapon” because they don’t want Americans to be able to define the crime committed against the people.
The Pfizer jab is a bioweapon and any effort to avoid that fact helps to protect their right to deploy more bioweapons.
Bobby Kennedy and Robert Malone are pretending Pfizer has immunity and that is a lie.
If controlled opposition is successful at moving the Overton window by blaming the DOD for Covid and the shots then no one will be able to bring them to justice.
No civil or criminal court has authority over the U.S. Military.
Pfizer’s contract clearly states they were operating outside of the U.S. military and owned the biotechnology.
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