KREM WAGOP Endorsement Convention Story with Dave Reichert

4 months ago

Some points from the story:
1. Semi met the party app requirements, including the 15 yr background check, period.
2. Dave said he was told his opponent would be disqualified, by who? and when? Too bad journalism is dead, these are obvious clarifying questions by any good reporter.
3. Dave, "it just evolved into chaos", he was never present at any point in the 3.5 day convention and yet plays off in that statement that he was. Weird.
4. Dave, "we'll unite this state"

In a recent debate with Bob Ferguson, Dave has said, emphatically, he does not support Donald Trump. And in a recent KIRO interview doubled down on his statement that 'Trump is a joke', something he said in around 2016.

Are these actions and words of someone who truly wants to unite?

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