Dr. Dan Steinbock | THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military

3 months ago

Dr. Dan Steinbock | THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military
Dr Dan Steinbock is an internationally-renowned expert on the multipolar world economy and the founder of the global consultancy Difference Group Ltd. He has served in the India China America Institute (US), the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China), and the EU Center (Singapore) and he has cooperated with several other think-tanks around the world. He has lived in Europe, the US, Asia and the Middle East and traveled in most world regions. A senior Fulbright scholar, he came to New York City in the 1980s. Today he spends most of his time in Asia. He has lectured around the world and consulted for multinational companies, multilateral development banks, government agencies, intergovernmental organizations like the OECD, and regional trading blocs, such as the EU, and several megacities. He has given keynotes on the global economy in institutional venues following Nouriel Roubini, Paul Krugman, Alan Greenspan, and Nassim Nicholas Taleb. He has been interviewed by and contributed to most major media worldwide. He has also worked in the kibbutzim and been influenced by progressive and peace movements.

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