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15 seconds

Health Ranger Report

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Health Ranger Report / Brighteon Broadcast News


  • 0/2000
  • How can you vote for killing of babies

  • Mike. I respect you as a man, and I have enjoyed listening to your podcasts (even though you have a propensity for over dramatization). However, this thing about your decision not to vote for Trump has crossed a line. I am a Veteran, and I fought for your right to decide what to do. However, you are sounding more and more like a petulant child, than the professional I think you are. You don’t want to vote? Fine! That’s your right to do so. BUT, you are an influencer, sir. Whether you tell your audience that you are not telling anyone not to vote or how to vote, I have to call bs on that. You are a very intelligent man. You know that you are definitely influencing others through your stated opinion. I would say to you, that you should do whatever you want. But please keep it to yourself. If Trump wins, I believe he will do everything in his power to end all wars. This whole thing that he has to publicly say what you want him to say before you will vote for him, is just embarrassing. Do what you want, man. If you cannot vote to support our biggest hope to save our country (as imperfect as he is), then fine. That’s your choice. Please tone down your rhetoric regarding your personal choices. I am not implying that you shouldn’t express your opinion. I am just saying that you should stop trying your influence others to do what you are going to do. Yes sir, that’s exactly what you’re doing, and you know it. My soul will be at peace in spite of the fact that I voted for Trump. I am more concerned with saving our country right now, than saving anything else. Kamala wins, she will probably come after people like yourself. Then what? Think about it. Respectfully submitted for your consideration. Thank you.

  • Yes but, Kamala is for murdering children

  • This is nuts hearing you say that

  • Sure is

  • As well the sex trafficking ring that’s going on! Democrats are nothing but violent

  • Nobody worth voting for so it's rational not to vote

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  • BIS / the R is where the buck stops... WEF Insider Reveals 30 Million Fake Ballots Ready To Be Injected on Election Night https://rumble.com/v5ju16t-wef-insider-reveals-30-million-fake-ballots-ready-to-be-injected-on-electio.html

    1 like
  • Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy https://rumble.com/v5d4br9-ted-gunderson-the-great-conspiracy.html

  • Mike, you’re a fucking idiot.