Justice is coming

4 months ago

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Justice is coming

Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
30th of September 2024 03.22

The cry for justice has come before My Throne. My righteous people who are crying. Their voices have reached My heart.

You have been balanced on the scale and you have been found wanting.

The scale of justice has been tipping to the wrong side.

The cases upon cases have been built up against your adversary.

I Am the Judge over all the judges and I have seen the crimes against mankind.

The unrighteous judges on the Earth will now be facing judgment because they were not standing on the right side for the poor and the innocents.

They judge in an unrighteous way and let the guilty go free and the innocents to be judged wrongfully.

Who do you think you are? You are acting like you are God, but you are not. I AM THAT I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I will not be mocked.

The tide has turned. You will no longer have the power to steal from the innocents. I AM coming with justice and My justice will be served.

To the judges on the Earth who have made the backdoor deals with the Elite. You have been bribed and you have stolen the money from the poor.

You have committed idolatry, sodomite, you have shed innocent blood and your iniquities are many. Freemasonry, I have given you the time to repent, but you will not listen.

Woe, to you judges!

Now, your reign has come to an end and justice will be served, because I hate when you are judging unlawfully and wrongfully the innocents. It is a stench to My nostrils.

Justice will be served for I love righteousness. The case is closed.

Luke 18:1-8
Daniel 5:25-28
Psalm 75:7
Psalm 50:6
Psalm 76:8-9
Isaiah 33:22
2 Timothy 4:8
Hebrew 12:23
James 4:12
Isaiah 2:4
Micah 4:3
Psalm 50:4
Daniel 7:9-10
Proverbs 6:16-19

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