IRS Spying on American's Bank Accounts Using AI, & No Warrants, Klaus Schwab: Black Swan Event Is Coming, Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Abandon Army

3 months ago

IRS Spying on American's Bank Accounts Using AI, & No Warrants, Klaus Schwab: Black Swan Event Is Coming, Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Abandon Army

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‪‪‪IRS used AI to spy on American Citizens.‬
‪Rep. Harriet Hageman: "What we have learned is that the IRS, in fact, has been using AI to access bank accounts of American citizens without any kind of a search warrant or even without any specific claim that they have committed a crime. ‬

‪“There will be, certainly, what we call ze ‘Black Swan’, which will come our way”‬
‪Head of The WEF Klaus Schwab at the World Government Summit letting you know something WILL happen to us all…..‬
‪Trust me he knows already.‬

Politico has published at least two speculatory articles on what the top personnel in a second Trump White House might look like.
Several prominent neocons are on the list. Will the neocons move back in and run the show?
Also today, tens of thousands of soldiers are deserting the Ukrainian army. What happens when there is no one left to fight?

Should Trump Win, He Really Needs To Keep The Warmongers Out of His Cabinet‬

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