The Quail: Close Up HD Footage (Coturnix coturnix)

4 months ago

The Common Quail is a fascinating little bird that you might spot scurrying about in farmland or grassy areas. These plump, ground-dwelling birds are about the size of a plump robin, though they're actually part of the pheasant family. They're quite shy, so you're more likely to hear their distinctive "wet-my-lips" call than actually see them!
Quails are brilliant at hiding in tall grass, thanks to their mottled brown feathers that provide excellent camouflage. Unlike most garden birds, they prefer to run rather than fly, though they can certainly take to the air when they need to. In fact, many quails migrate between Europe and Africa each year.
Female quails lay between 8-13 eggs in a simple nest on the ground, usually hidden in dense vegetation. The chicks develop incredibly quickly - they can start running about almost as soon as they hatch! These birds love to eat seeds and insects, and they're particularly fond of grain crops.

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