Kamala's script, Kellogg's boycott, Sadiq Khan in London, Steve Weir helping NC, Dragons were real

3 months ago

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Kamala Harris reads from a script using the same tone, body movements, and words with very little difference, that would probably be the "accent of the week"

The High Wire on X reported on Vani Hari saying "warn everyone you know, Don't let Kellogg's products anywhere near your children"

Donald Trump impersonator at McDonald's drive through insisting on fries being bought because they're the best fries ever

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London is not liked very much because of the crime rate, his attitude, and his actions that have placed Citizens last and Illegal Aliens first

averagefloridaman on TikTok - There’s a state house Representative from Connecticut, Steve Weir, without an X account that's been helping with rescue in North Carolina non stop with his own money and helicopter

Tyler Hansen, fittestflatearther2.0 on TikTok - Dragons were rare, real, and found around the World throughout time, now in "modern times" Dragons are explained as only mythical creatures that never existed

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