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Bill C-293 Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act - live Oct. 23 from 7-9:30 pm

Streamed on:

Use this link to skip to start https://rumble.com/v5jr6ol-bill-c-293-pandemic-prevention-and-preparedness-act-live-oct.-23-from-7-930.html?start=2666
Bill C-293 Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act - free event on Wed. Oct. 23rd 7-9:30 pm in Burlington.

Come hear how this alarmingly vague Bill will affect national sovereignty, personal rights and freedoms, agriculture and food choices, surveillance, privacy, land ownership and medical freedom.

Come see speakers Michael Alexander - Constitutional lawyer, Lisa Miron - Litigation lawyer, and Dr. Mark Trozzi - Medical Rights Activist live in person on Wed. Oct. 16th 7-9:30 pm at the Burlingtons Lions Club 471 Pearl Street, Burlington ON #billc293


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  • Use this link to skip to start https://rumble.com/v5jr6ol-bill-c-293-pandemic-prevention-and-preparedness-act-live-oct.-23-from-7-930.html?start=2666

  • Freeland at a graduation convocation, asked the rhetorical question "do we continue with democracy?". The Trudeau regime despises parliamentary democracy. Trudeau is a globalist whose real caucus are the ENGO's he and Butts installed in 2015 to provide policy and legislative oversight to all ministries and senior bureaucrats. His agenda is to adopt all UN, WHO and WEF policy and make it the law of the land. Using censorship and the financial system to enforce compliance IS totalitarianism. Another worry, is will elections in Canada be suspended indefinitely?

  • take action at http://StopC-293.ca

    1 like
  • Provincial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons are all lawyers who are "captured" by and comply with Big Pharma's directives.

    1 like
  • All provincial health services are provided with 50% or more of annual provincial budgets to deliver "public health" services. They appear to be unaccountable for 10's of billions of dollars. Worse, they are politicized as gov'ts often create positions for party members and supporters with health services.

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  • When Bill C-293 becomes law, does this allow Trudeau to suspend elections indefinitely?

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  • starts at 44mins

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  • The video start at 00:44:05 (44 min)

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  • I'm unable to download this video with Any Video Converter and the Firefox plugin Ant Video Downloader is too much out of date to work. Are you on another plateforme or do you know a way to download it ?

    1 like
  • Could the first 40 minutes not be edited out? I'm sharing this but having to tell everyone to jump in at 40 mins

    1 like
  • Kills me that folks who know what they are doing still use an iPhone which takes screen shots every 7 seconds! Get a degoogle phone people! A very big way to stop them controling you.