Liz Cheney Thinks 'There Will Be Millions Of Republicans' That Will Vote For Kamala

4 months ago

Posted • October 22, 2024: Liz Cheney is looking to the cinema for inspiration this election season. No, not Mr. Smith Goes to Washington! Liz is apparently a big fan of horror. Which makes sense when you consider the horrors she and her father Dick Cheney have unleashed on the world. Liz wants Republicans for Harris to emulate the A Quiet Place horror movie franchise when casting their votes - don't make a sound and don't say a word to anyone! She lays it all out here. Liz Cheney tells Republicans they should vote for Kamala & “not say a word to anybody.” - “There will be millions of Republicans who do that on November 5th.” -- Wait, millions of Republicans voting for Kamala? Trump voters are saying that's not likely at all. One says she needs to slash four zeros from her unrealistic estimations. Aawwww honey - There are probably around 10k republicans like you - all around the country. Including people like Bill Krystal, John Bolton and other neocon scum. You think they’re in the “millions”??

So, a few thousand confused Republicans voting Dem sounds about right. Certainly not millions. Then again Liz was never good at math. Do you remember her disastrous last primary. Pepperidge Farm remembers! -- Wow, talk about a brutal beating! Maybe Liz Cheney is not the best person to be taking campaign advice from. She obviously lost almost all of her Republican support. Let's take a closer look at the actual numbers. -- Ouch! One simply doesn't bounce back from something like that. So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that after such a drubbing Liz would run to the Democrats. It wasn't just the promise of endless wars, of course. She makes a great token 'Republican' for Harris and company. She can wish, but it's doubtful she'll get her millions of Republican votes for Kamala. -- Trump voters say it's more likely Democrats will break for Trump, in even bigger numbers. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Zip It! Liz Cheney Wants Her Own Election Day Version of 'A Quiet Place'

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