"🥜 On National Nut Day, Discover How This Simple Snack Can Help You Live 2-3 Years Longer.📊🧓"

4 months ago

It's National Nut Day, and we're kicking things off with a throwback to Mel Brooks' hilarious scene from History of the World, Part I. Remember when Swiftus (played by Ron Carey) calls Mel Brooks' character "NVTs" instead of "nuts"? Yeah, it's a classic! 😂 After we get our laugh on, we'll count down the top 5 nuts you should be eating (if you're not allergic). From brain-boosting walnuts to creamy cashews, these nuts aren't just tasty—they're packed with health benefits! 🧠💪
HINESight Insights:
5. Cashews
Origin: Brazil, India, Vietnam
Why Include it in your Diet? It is loaded with heart-healthy fats, magnesium, and copper. It is excellent for bone health and making creamy sauces!
Where to Buy: Grocery stores, Amazon, and health food shops.

4. Brazil Nuts
Origin: Amazon Rainforest (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia)
Why Include in Diet: Super high in selenium, great for thyroid and immune health. Just 1-2 a day will do the trick!
Where to Buy: Health stores, Amazon, specialty shops.

3. Walnuts
Origin: North America, Europe, China
Why Include in Diet: Packed with omega-3s for brain health and reducing inflammation. Plus, fiber and protein keep you full.
Where to Buy: Farmers' markets, grocery stores, online shops like Thrive Market.

2. Pistachios
Origin: USA (California), Mediterranean
Why Include in Diet: Lower in calories and high in protein and fiber. It is suitable for heart and eye health (thanks to lutein).
Where to Buy: Most supermarkets, Costco, Walmart online.

1. Almonds
Origin: USA (California), Spain, Italy
Why Include in Diet: Almonds contain vitamin E, fiber, and healthy fats. They're perfect for heart health and controlling blood sugar levels.
Where to Buy: Almost anywhere—Amazon, Costco, grocery stores.

Bonus Tip:
If you can't decide, grab a handful of mixed nuts! They'll balance healthy fats, fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
And to close it out, we're sharing our favorite movie scenes that crack us up—shots to the nuts. Because it's National Nut Day, and we can't resist. 😆🥜

National Nut Day Fun Facts:
Did you know National Nut Day isn't just about celebrating the neighbor down the street? Nope, it's all about those nutrient-packed powerhouses we call nuts! Not only are they delicious, but they're also full of unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium. Animals love them, too! In temperate climates, squirrels and other animals store them to survive winter. 🐿️
And hey, studies show that people who regularly eat nuts live longer—up to 2-3 years longer. 🧓💪 That's nutty, right?

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