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15 seconds

Primetime 10-22-2024 Special Interview with Dr. Stella Immanuel

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  • Dr. Stellas assistant came to the Brainstorm Army media booth and told Stormy Dr. Stella was going to come over and give us the interview she had agreed to after she finished an interview on the other side of the media room. Everything was working against us. Time was running out and we nearly had to break everything down and even during the interview the room was extremely loud and in someone actually yelled so loudly as you will hear in the interview that it interrupted but did not stop the interview. Satan did not win! The message was meant to be heard! We have only 7 days left to be the prayer warrior we are here in Brainstorm Army. Please watch this 15 minute interview and listen well. WE MUST Pray on our faces to combat these witches with their binding spells they are set to unleash on October 30th and are also always sending out toward him. Satan tried so many ways not to get Dr. Stellas message out to us but as we all know Jesus trumps Satan every time! This interview is our call to action and anyone in the Brainstorm family or watching this we know what to do and to share this with as many Christians as you know to pray against the evil. She says her website in the video. There are specific prayers you can find there to pray against this binding as well as a prayer line on her website firepowerministry.org. Share this far and wide Fam. Loden2424

  • Such a great interview. Dr. Stella is amazintg!

  • Amen our Beautiful and Bold sister. Thank you.

  • Wow, that did prove it good against evil light against darkness

  • Please share with all prayer warriors. It's not about the views. It's about getting this message out. It's a call to action that is high priority. Thank you fam

  • Love dr Stella. She was my wake up call with Covid

  • Amazing, goose bump raising interview!!!!

  • Amen, Dr. Stella!

  • IMPORTANT interview! I will be gathering up my Prayer Warriors tomorrow night to get on their knees and faces as much as they can to fight this battle against theses wicked witches. THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED BECAUSE GOD WINS!!!! Thank you Loden2424 and Brainstorm17. God Bless✨🕊️❤️