Common Law Power Hour EXTRA with Kamilah

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Mi'Aani i Jah-Sae Johnson is a 1 yr old boy who was medically kidnapped under the falsified name of "NOAH".

When mother Kamilah Johnson refused to give her baby boy medications that were giving him negative side effects and would not allow staff at Houston Texas Children's Hospital to perform genetic testing and other scientific research on Mi'Aani, they retaliated notifying Texas CPS after the mother filed grievances on TCH staff for violating her patient rights.

When Kamilah Johnson denied to voluntarily give Mi'Aani to Texas CPS Agents, she sought asylum leaving the state of Texas which lead to a Nation-Wide Amber Alert for a child named "NOAH". On February 29th 2024, Mi'AAni and his mother were unlawfully apprehended in Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Minnesota where Kamilah Johnson was charged with "Child Endangerment" and unlawfully detained without a 4th Amendment warrant with all of her property being seized. According to Minnesota FBI, Foster Care Agent, and Minneapolis Children's Hospital, Mi'Aani was declared safe, stable and healthy and was supposed to be given to his grandmother who is declared to be then next of kin.

See Part 1 The story on You Tube


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