"The Transfer" by Algernon Blackwood

4 months ago

Published in 1912

Frene: presumably from the French Fréne, so I used something approaching the French pronunciation, but obviously Anglicized, because this story is clearly set in England (or at least, not the USA - not sure what other parts of the English-speaking world employed governesses, but that's certainly not an American thing).

Guelder-rose: Viburnum opulus, a species of flowering deciduous shrub native to Europe, north Africa and central Asia. Their flowers don't look like roses though, more like hydrangeas.

200 yards: for you metric types, just call it 200 meters. Technically 183 meters, but, you know, this is obviously just a ballpark number anyways, so make it easy on yourselves and use the round number

1 square foot is a measly 1/10 of a square meter.

I couldn't find any satisfactory pictures for this story. So what we get is meant to represent Mrs. Frene preparing the afternoon tea in the garden.

To follow along: https://carter-stephenson.co.uk/transfer.html

I feel like we've had quite a few stories about various kinds of vampirism of late. Ah well, it is October, so consider it a Halloween treat!

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