Tue 22Oct24 David Knight UNABRIDGED More Survivors Just Found in NC; Divorce Judge Bribes Parent to Vax Child w 18 Jabs - Immediate Autism

4 months ago

* 3 Weeks later — still no help from feds and all volunteer as more survivors are located by volunteers
* TN family court judge bribes one parent with custody to get kids vaxed.  18 in one day.  Both go into ICU and one comes out autistic but this is only the beginning of the troubles inflicted by the judge and local government
* One report after another is showing nanotech in the Covid jabs — all of them from several countries including Russia & China.  Is it a lockstep depopulation conspiracy?
* Joel Skousen joins to talk about his candidacy for President and about World War 3 — when, where, who, how
*…and more

(2:00) More NC hurricane survivors just found AFTER 3 WEEKS
* All the action on the ground is STILL by VOLUNTEERS and not FEMA/Feds
* Even AP can't put a spin on the conduct of Feds

(29:20) WATCH — They all knew — Remdesivir, masks, ventilators, jabs were harmful or lethal.  David Martin lays it out
(37:55) Judge Forces Vax, Child Immediately Autistic…But That's Just the Beginning of the Criminal Conduct
What gives the judge that power you ask? 
Learn how government, from the presidency down to local uses bribes, intimidation, coercion, secrecy to harm people.  And there is medical malpractice that's not talked about in one of the most direct cases of autism by vaccination and one of the worst cases of severe autism
(1:10:09) The pandemic fraud was global and in lockstep — and SO WERE THE JABS.  After analysis of US, UK, Russian & Chinese vaccines "discrete microstructures", I.e. nanotech is found in all of them. 
(58:13) Father on death row for allegedly killing his baby with "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS).  SBS has been exposed as a fraud but Gov Abbott & SCOTUS won't stay the execution.  It's such an egregious miscarriage of justice that the legislature has gotten involved to stop the execution.  Here's the exculpatory evidence…
(1:18:15) Social media is addictive and breeds despair.  Reading the Bible enhances human flourishing.
* So why do Christian leaders direct people to Presidential politics that has no answer and will breed despair? 
* People who were set upon during Trump's lockdown, who had their religious liberty crushed now yoke themselves to him. 
* Here's what I think the message should be

(1:42:37) One homeschool family has rejected a life of passive hope in Trump and are taking charge of their life.  Here's what day in their life looks like.  This is an example we can all learn from.
(1:49:31) Live listener comments, scam warning, Turkish cleric (CIA ally) dies in Pennsylvania cult compound 

(2:18:11) INTERVIEW Joel Skousen: 2024 Election and World War 3 Joel Skousen, WorldAffairsBrief.com and JoelSkousen.com Joel is running as Constitution Party candidate in several states and he joins to lay out the problems we face, the sources of those problems and solutions.  Also — where, when, and how does he see World War 3 breaking out

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