Doreen Irvine: Devil Worship, the rise of satanism (1989) war, human sacrifice & black magic, Irvine

4 months ago

From Witchcraft to Christ - Doreen Irvine

A Classic Best - Seller Christian Testimony From poverty, drugs and prostitution to a life of joy and freedom, this TRUE STORY charts one women’s entanglement with the occult and her eventual dramatic release.Doreen’s story is as relevant today as when it was first published. Her experience may be extreme, yet it still offers hope............... especially to those who consider purity to be a lost ideal, or who believe they are too far gone to be forgiven.

It amazes me to see that someone so far from Christ found Christ and truly gave up ashes to find beauty. If anyone doubts the power of the blood of Christ they should read this testimony.

For months I resisted reading this book, now I've read it I have to ask myself why? What an amazing story of salvation and the lengths Christ will go to in pursuing those he loves so much. The praise for Jesus rings from nearly every page (omitting of course her earlier life story). This was a real eye opener for me, although it shouldn't have been having dabbled in tarot readings before I came to Christ. It was the demon possession that surprised me, although I am well aware of biblical accounts of such I didn't think it still occurred. This book has challenged my thinking on the subject. Doreen passionately preaches Christ and the great dangers of the Occult but as it should be the emphasis is on our great Lord and Saviour.

The inspiring story of Doreen Irvine, who was a prostitute, drug addict, satanist, and witch… and who then was saved by Jesus Christ.

Her child-like faith and complete trust in her Savior is inspiring. She knew and believed that she had been completely forgiven for her past.

How wonderful that we serve a God who washes us clean of all our sins? That no one is beyond His ability to save?

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