High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroys Woke Immigration Policies By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5081 Video - High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroys Woke Immigration Policies - Monday, October 21, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroyed Woke Immigration Policies


This little mini-documentary is about Polish President Dominik Tarczynski, the only leader in the EU with the brains to stand up for his own country and ask simple, obvious questions, like---

Under international law, if there is a refugee crisis, the refugees are required to go to the nearest country and ask for asylum.

So, is Poland next to Syria or Iraq or Yemen or Lebanon? No.

Why isn't Saudi Arabia opening its borders to all these refugees?
It's a rich Muslim country within close distance of the homelands of all these refugees, but not one finger is raised to help them.

How about Qatar, or Kuwait? Again, rich Muslim countries that could afford to build housing and pay for their fellow-Muslims in distress, and they are close by where all these people naturally live.

Instead, European countries that have entirely different cultural and religious traditions are supposed to save millions of Muslim refugees?


What good are we doing for anyone, going about the problem like this?

All we are doing is borrowing the trouble and spreading it out in a larger geographic area, and making it worse.

It's great that Turkey and Egypt are welcoming them. They are Muslims in a Muslim country that way. Now, if the Saudis and some of the other oil-rich Muslim countries put their money where their mouths are and help support their own fellow-Muslims, it would be even better. There are all sorts of Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa. Rich countries, lots of space for immigrants.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2024/10/high-iq-politician-totally-destroys.html

Download and print https://annavonreitz.com/politiciandestroyswokeimmigration.pdf

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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