5D New Earth Ascension Transmission Codes from the Sacred Portal on Gaia with Paul White Gold Eagle

3 months ago

Join Paul White Gold Eagle as he channels powerful 5D New Earth Ascension Transmission Codes from the Sacred Portal of Gaia. In this transformative session, you will be guided to connect with the higher frequencies of the New Earth and activate your divine blueprint for ascension. These transmissions are designed to help you align with the 5D consciousness, integrate higher vibrations, and awaken to your true spiritual potential.

As Gaia shifts into the New Earth frequency, these sacred codes will support your personal and collective ascension journey. Tune in to receive the healing, guidance, and activations you need during this pivotal time of planetary evolution.

📅 Why Watch Now?
The Earth is at a pivotal point in its evolutionary cycle. This video serves as a timely resource for those feeling the call to awaken, to those who seek to understand the changes they're experiencing internally and externally, and for anyone ready to step into their role as a co-creator of the New Earth.

🎥 Visuals and Sounds:
Expect a visual feast with scenes from sacred sites, coupled with ambient, high-frequency music that aids in the transmission of these ascension codes, enhancing your meditative and transformative experience. Watch to the end where White Gold Eagle plays Native American Flute to some video and photographs of Mother Earth.

👁️ About Paul White Gold Eagle:
Paul is a modern mystic, shamanic practitioner, and a conduit for higher-dimensional wisdom. His work is dedicated to aiding humanity's ascension process, offering transmissions that resonate with the purity of the new world we are all helping to create.

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Keywords: 5D Ascension, New Earth, Gaia, Transmission Codes, Paul White Gold Eagle, Spiritual Awakening, Sacred Portal, Higher Consciousness, Ascension Activation

#5DAscension #NewEarth #Gaia #PaulWhiteGoldEagle #SpiritualAwakening #AscensionCodes #SacredPortal #HigherConsciousness #Lightworkers #DivineBlueprint #GaiaCodes

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