Thinking of Becoming a YouTuber? Here’s Some Tough Love Before You Start.

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6 days ago

So, you're thinking of becoming a YouTuber? Great—if you’ve got the passion, ideas, and a thick skin, it can be a rewarding experience. But let's be real here. The road ahead isn’t all sunshine and subscribers. If you’re thin-skinned or can’t handle a bit of banter, trolling, and even downright nastiness, this may not be the right path for you.

Here’s why:

1. You Will Get Trolled.

No matter how nice or neutral your content is, trolls will find you. It’s part of the game. The bigger your audience grows, the louder the negative voices will become. Insults, personal attacks, and even coordinated hate campaigns can pop up overnight. If you can’t laugh it off or let it roll off your back, it’s going to eat at you. Remember, it’s often not about you—it’s about them and their issues. Don’t let it dictate how you feel about your content or yourself.

2. Criticism Comes with the Territory.

Constructive criticism can help you grow, but not all criticism you’ll receive is constructive. People will nitpick every little thing, and some will throw in their opinions just to stir the pot. You need to learn how to separate valid feedback from noise. Take what helps, ignore what doesn’t, and move on.

3. Banter is Part of the Culture.

Banter is often just playful, and if you’re the type who can handle a bit of ribbing, you’ll do just fine. In fact, it can help build a sense of community with your audience. But if you take every joke personally, you’ll find yourself constantly stressed and second-guessing every piece of content. Developing a sense of humour is key to surviving the ups and downs of YouTube life.

4. It’s Not About Pleasing Everyone.

You can’t and won’t please everyone. If you try, you’ll end up diluting your content until it’s bland and boring. Stick to what you believe in and what you’re passionate about. The right audience will find you, and those who don’t vibe with it will move on. Don't chase after everyone’s approval—it's a losing battle.

5. Consistency is Key—Even When It’s Tough.

The internet can be a cruel place, but success on YouTube comes from showing up consistently, regardless of the negativity. Don’t let the trolls win by quitting when things get tough. Keep creating, keep improving, and keep pushing forward. Your audience will respect you for sticking it out.

6. Embrace the Journey.

At the end of the day, YouTube is a platform for you to share your creativity, ideas, and personality. Enjoy the process. You’ll develop a thicker skin over time, and you’ll learn to deal with the noise. It’s all part of the journey.

If you’re ready to take the good with the bad and keep going, then welcome to the world of YouTube! It’s not easy, but for those who can weather the storm, it’s worth it. Just remember, you sway what I say—so stay strong, be authentic, and let your content speak for itself.

Good luck!

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