Saul For President

5 months ago

Well as I was thinking about this election coming up, I saw a story in the bible that seems to fit the bill perfectly. I think for anyone who is to vote in this election you should consider this story and remember, God will give us the desires of our hearts. And you can thank Him that he holds back some of those desires.
So just a quick bit of background, I was working on my 2nd Election message, when in reading a book decided to put that off for a minute to begin writing what I thought was a more currently relevant message titled “No Super Natural Works No Salvation”. And I just might be taking credit for something that God is actually doing. Now but then as I was bringing that message to a close in writing so I could move to recording it, I was moved to throw this shorty message together for no other reason that the short time before the elections. My initial title was to be Kamala Harris, but then the scripture came to me regarding the time when Israel wanted a human king rather than to continue to follow the King of kings, and so I changed the message to “Saul For President”.
Now it would totally be Corney except for the fact of how accurate the story of him becoming king weren’t so similar to us selecting the next President. Oh, you will see it as I read the scripture and then break it down just a little bit. Now no matter who you want to vote for, you should keep your spiritual antenna up as I believe that had Israel kept there’s up they would have decided to keep the King of kings as their leader.

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