How Removing Homeless Camps & Arresting Homeless People Became A OVER $100 Million Dollar Business

4 months ago

PURE EVIL How Removing Homeless Camps & Arresting Homeless People Became A OVER $100 Million Dollar Business... Today I talk to you about, The UNSOLVED True Crime Case Daily Stories, Of This very Industry, I talk about, A small army arrived to evict Rudy Ortega from his home in the Crash Zone an homeless encampment located near the end of the airport runway in San Jose California Silicon Valley’s largest city As jets roared overhead, garbage trucks and police squad cars encircled Ortega’s hand-built shelter Heavy machinery operators stood by for the signal to bulldoze Ortega’s camp, One of the largest homeless camps in California, was cleared between 2021 and 2023 in part by a private company named Tucker Construction Public spending on private sweep contractors is soaring across California, In total, private firms have been paid at least $100m to clear homeless camps, an investigation by the Guardian has found, Pete White, the founder of the Los Angeles Community Action Network, a homeless advocacy group based in Skid Row, says he’s observed a steady increase in the privatization of sweeps in recent years Litigants in ongoing or recent court cases allege that the destruction of belongings in sweeps violates the fourth amendment, which protects against unreasonable search and seizure, and the 14th amendment, which guarantees due process under the law. A case currently before the US supreme court also argues that laws banning homeless people from camping or sleeping in public spaces violate the eighth amendment, which safeguards against “inhumane and unusual punishment” by government actors, In recent years, California has approved more than $700m of funding for camp clearance The records show that firms vying for contracts to sweep encampments in California include mid-size construction companies that also do home renovations, as well as large environmental services firms that specialize in cleaning up hazardous waste and responding to public emergencies, Some of Tucker’s employees are formerly unhoused themselves, Stromberg said According to public records, the city’s contracts and purchase orders with Tucker total more than $10m in the past decade. Part of this money was drawn from federal emergency funds intended to combat Covid-19 but the state of California is commiting FRAUD and misusing public funds, The Capitalism Misery (Psychology & Sociology) Of These Homeless Encampment Sweeps

For homeless people, these sweeps take an enormous mental toll And they allege that private companies such as Tucker are breaking rules intended to ensure they are treated fairly, Many unhoused residents report being swept over and over, often multiple times in a year Modeling based on data collected in Boston has shown that hospitalization and UNALIVED rates are expected to increase significantly among encampment residents after sweeps, A study of the health impacts of sweeps in Santa Clara county, where the Crash Zone is located, found that unhoused residents often lost medicines and other “health necessities” The Police try to arrest their way out of the Homeless Crisis a couple named Theresa and Dave lost a bike and furniture. A man named Jose lost scrap metal he sells for income. Fujio Maeda lost the tent he was sleeping in. Rudy estimates he lost about $5,000 worth of personal property. And, he said, “I lost my trust in the city.” Ortega eventually had his day in court He requested a temporary restraining order to prevent his belongings from being taken during an upcoming sweep. The judge granted a series of hearings and told the city to let Ortega stay put while his case was heard, The judge expressed sympathy for Ortega’s situation and instructed the city to repair the secondhand camper that Ortega had obtained and tow it to a location that was not slated for active sweeping. He said the city had to ensure that any possessions that could not fit in the camper were safely stowed in a self-storage facility nearby, Ortega saw it as a small victory, but says the legal pressure doesn’t seem to have made a difference as he observes ongoing sweeps in San Jose. “They’re still doing the same thing,” he said, “just quieter.”, ETC!!!
My Audiobook Capitalism is Misery Were Better Off Better Red Than Dead:

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