Words that Stick with You, but You Don't Know What They Mean...

2 months ago

A crucial aspect of the prayer Jesus taught to His disciples.

One should ponder this for a moment… Why would Jesus include this in this very specific prayer? If everything that happened here was God’s will, why would it be necessary to pray the above?

It is necessary because there is a counterfeit kingdom, a counterfeit ruler, who is quick to encourage people to think of ‘self’. When that happens, all bad stems from that one simple aspect… “I”. After all, this counterfeit ruler’s initial downfall was his ‘I’ problem.

That does not mean God can’t or isn’t working on our behalf, it just means battle lines are drawn, and that people need to fully understand the side they have chosen…

And don't forget the first sentence in verse 10 of this prayer. “Your Kingdom Come”. And that's when His Will will be done...

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