Mycology Mondays #73 Spawn 2 Bulk - FCS Hillbilly Pumpkin 🎃 AIO Grow Bag Ziploc Tek

4 months ago

In this Video I go Spawn 2 Bulk
Using My Ziploc Tek Bags of
Popcorn 🍿 Kernels/wild Bird Seed mix
Fully Colonized Hillbilly Pumpkin from
My amazing Sponsor FCS

I make 2 of these bags, one for and
The other for my Viewer Todd
Who participated in my Donations
For Inoculations 🍄 idea.

Once mixed and fully Colonized
I will send the AIO Grow Bag as a
Free 🎁 gift to him for his kind Donation.

Matty's MAGICal Mycology Mondays
Episode #73 - In The 🪄 Magic✨ Mush - Room 🍄

I prefer Ziploc Tek Bags because
It allows for a more complete
Break n shake to evenly
Spread the Mycelium
Throughout the grain 🌾 🍿

Come For The Info &
Stay For The *TRIP*
Content Creator,
The FunGuy Mad-Mycologist Matty C 🥼🧫🍄

Thanks to My Sponsor
Maggie Amy McKenii @FCS -
Fungi Culture Store
4 the Best in Magic ✨ Mycology 🍄
Liquid Culture🧪🧫🍄 Genetics 🧬

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