Naval Ravikant on the woke mind virus that has declared war on Christianity - w Megyn Kelly

4 months ago

Naval Ravikant: "And if you look through human history, all change, all revolution, all success, it does not come from the masses or the majority. It comes from a small organized group. So the largest minority you can build that is heavily organized, that's what wins. And the left has a very clean and clear message, which is we're all equal. It's all based on your identity. That's where your differentiation and diversity comes in, not on ideology or capability.

Like if you can do more than somebody else, if you're better at something than anybody else, that's not diversity. The diversity is based on skin color and gender and identity and sexual proclivities. And so that is a very powerful frame because it actually makes you a single issue voter against the one thing you can't get away from, your identity.

Now set aside, the more closely you identify with something that's out of your control, the more miserable you're gonna be in life in general, but that is a very powerful frame. So I view this as modern religion. Christianity sort of....

So the miracle of existence still begs to be explained. So there's a powerful religious instinct within humans. And the world is a dark and lonely place if you feel alone. And so we do have a natural tendency to group together. And the left has identified the modern way to do that is through a new religion. And that's why I keep referring to Marxism or a lot of the more extreme leftism as a new religion, because you can't challenge this dogma. It has blasphemy.

There's certain things you can't say. But the key thing they've done in this religion, they've gotten rid of Jesus. Now, the main sinner, the devil, is man, and the heaven is the pristine Gaia-like earth that was here before we got here. And there's no hope of salvation or redemption. We're only evil. So the only way to basically solve this dilemma of how do you prevent men and women from destroying the garden paradise is you basically have to throw them out of Eden completely.

You have to destroy them, which is why there are so many anti-fertility arguments on the left. There's so many deep growth arguments on the left. It's all about we're destroying the world. We're ending the world. There's like a doomerism that goes on, including in AI or in the, you know, we're gonna blow ourselves to pieces or we're gonna run out of resources.

There's all these different fallacies let alone the fact that, you know, to okay men, nothing is a resource and resources are byproduct of knowledge. We make things into a resource. But so I think there's sort of this millennialism religion that is succeeding Christianity. So the way I think about it is that since I got to the US in 1983, as a young kid, I've always lived in a highly religious country.

This is a very religious country. Remember, it was founded by the people who are too much of religious fanatics to stick around in Europe. So they had to leave, right? And they had to shut off to the United States to practice their religion freely. And so we had Christianity and we still do in some parts of the country, but it is being supplanted by another religion that is actually more viral, more modern, and much more blame casting on humans.

And it can do that through the mechanism of abundance. The United States is the richest, most powerful country in the world. It has at least historically been the best managed and had the most natural resources. People are incredibly wealthy and they can use this abundance to basically set up a giant church and virtue signal to the rest of the world. So I think that's where we are."

IBID FULL - How Medical Establishment Keeps Americans Sick, and Evils of Censorship, w/ Makary & Naval Ravikant w Megyn Kelly

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