Jesus Gives Authority Over Demons – Spiritual Warfare (Chapter 7)

4 months ago

Scholars debate the object of Jesus’s frustration. Some understand it to be the crowds, because of other references to the unbelieving generation being to the crowds. Others understand it to be the father because like so many, he sought Jesus only for what He could do for him.

Clearly, it is more likely that His frustration was with the disciples. Jesus had given them authority over serpents and scorpions and over all power of the enemy, and yet, they could not cast the demon out.

Spiritual Warfare: In the Storyline of Scripture, A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Approach. By William F. Cook III & Chuck Lawless.
Based on text and notes of Pastor Ken Cayce: born again Christian, a son of God who loves the Lord very much and is his desire to please the Lord with his life and dedication to his faith.

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Music By:
This Too Shall Pass - Scott Buckley TREE OF LIFE Vol. 2 - • TREE OF LIFE - Vo... Follow Scott Buckley: Spotify:
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