టెక్నాలజీ ఉన్నా HIV కి మందు ఎందుకు లేదు? Why there is no Cure for HIV AIDS? | Treatment Medicine

3 months ago

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టెక్నాలజీ ఉన్నా HIV కి మందు ఎందుకు లేదు? Why there is no Cure for HIV AIDS? | Treatment Medicine

Explore the impact of HIV on the body and understand why there's currently no cure for the virus. This video explains how HIV weakens the immune system, leading to various body changes like weight loss, skin rashes, and frequent infections. Learn why the virus is challenging to eradicate due to its ability to hide in cells and mutate. Stay informed about ongoing research and treatments that manage HIV but don't eliminate it completely. Watch now for a clear, concise explanation!

Dr. Bharadwaz | HIV AIDS | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research

#HIVAwareness #ImmuneSystem #HIVTreatment #NoCureYet #HIVResearch

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#ClingeniousHealth #HelseformFitness #FidicusHomeopathy #ClingeniousResearch

#FidicusHIV #HIV #AIDS #HumanImmunodeficiencyViruses #AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome
#Treatment #Cure #Prevent #Relieve #Medicine #Vaccine
#AlternativeTherapy #AdjuvantTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #AlternativeSystem

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