Article 5074 Video - International Public Notice: Liars to the End By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 5074 Video - International Public Notice: Liars to the End - Sunday, October 20, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It should not surprise anyone that the Liars who have been lying for 300-plus years, are still lying. It's what they do best. It's basically all they contribute to the world.

So, don't be surprised that their bought-and-paid-for media moguls are trying to spread the lie that only 213 bodies have been found as a result of Hurricane Helene, when just one (1) contingent of search and rescue helicopters in one day in North Carolina transferred 357 bodies.

There are thousands of bodies. We estimated 250,000 dead at the beginning of this travesty, and we have had absolutely no reason to decrease our estimate.

So, if you have been lulled into complacency and think, ho, hum, it's just another storm..... Helene was not just a storm. It was an attack using weather warfare technologies that are well-known. And it is now an ecological disaster of unimaginable proportions.

It will take years of hard work and pollution remediation to salvage the damaged land and save the people. It will take actions by millions of Americans over a long period of time. And it will take courage, because we are facing ruthless European and Chinese business interests.

Those interests have already tried to use FEMA as their bully boy and failed, so next they expanded "use of force directives" to legalize the use of former DOD personnel as a mercenary army against the people in the disaster area.

We caught them at it both times and squelched both initiatives, but perhaps more interesting, is the way that the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc., has bought the services of these defunct "federal" Agencies, simply by extending their funding for three months beyond the end of the UNITED STATES Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

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