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Jews Are NOT Semitic They Descend From Turkish Khazars Who Converted To Judaism In Medieval Times!


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  • There not all Kazarian. Far far before they were Kazarians the Jews are Edomites of Esau! They mixed with Canaanites like our Heavenly Father told the Israelites not to do. This audio book explains who the Jews truly are and where they came from Biblically and historically! The true Israelites we’re all Caucasians! There are mountains of evidence to prove this. As a matter of fact there’s so much evidence to prove this that you could literally win in court with the evidence. There were absolutely zero black people until God babbled the languages and restored destroyed the Tower of Babel! Check this out! https://tearingdownidols.com/audiobook-who-is-esau-edom/

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  • I have been RIGHT all along because I know THE REAL HISTORY. My Daddy taught me about the Khazars

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