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Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - A Short Silence Is Coming - Captions
Join us in this spiritually enriching episode aired on August 7th, 2024, where we explore themes of faith, unity, and trust in God's promises amidst life's challenges. The host expresses gratitude for the supportive community and discusses maintaining spiritual resilience despite adversities like stock market fluctuations and health crises. Delve into prophetic messages about imminent geopolitical upheavals, government corruption exposures, hidden plots, and the unfolding divine justice. Gain insights from biblical teachings on humility, healing, and the true essence of faith. This episode encourages viewers to remain steadfast, pray, and trust in God's unbreakable covenant while preparing for foretold events. Special prayers for strength and revelations are also included, along with an invitation to connect with the ministry for further spiritual guidance.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 08-07-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Divine Insights: Faith, Encouragement, and Prophetic Understandings in Turbulent Times
00:00 Morning Greetings and Gratitude
00:50 Living in Exciting Times
01:52 God's Prophecies and Encouragement
03:50 Faith and Overcoming Challenges
06:04 The Power of Faith and God's Word
09:59 Upcoming Vacation and Preparations
11:26 Prophetic Word: A Short Silence is Coming
22:54 Faith and Trust in God
45:24 Standing Firm in Faith
46:01 God's Covenant and Promises
47:44 Strength Through Christ
48:19 Armor of God and Resistance
48:55 Prophetic Word and Rumbles
52:10 Enemies at the Shoreline
54:34 Betrayal and Foreign Nations
56:35 Political Intrigues and Secrets
01:02:24 Judgment and Exposure
01:17:16 Prayer and Encouragement
01:20:38 Final Thoughts and Announcements
COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Today’s Scriptures:
John 17:16
Heb. 2:14
Mark 11:23
Matt. 12:34
1 Peter 5:6-10
James 4:7
Isa. 53:5
Eph. 6:10
Prov. 3:5
Heb. 11:1-3, 6
Rom. 10:17
2 Cor. 2:14
2 Tim. 1:7
Isa. 55:11
Jer. 1:12
Phil. 4:13
Ps. 89:34
Heb. 10:23
Ps. 91:7
Mark 5:25-34 (Story of woman with the issue of blood)
2 Chron. 20
Matt. 12:25
Isa. 54:17
Job 22:28
God is using this time to bring the Body of Christ together, to unite, to heal and strengthen.
You need to overwhelm and control your circumstances by the power of Almighty God.
Nothing is too big for Almighty God!
Have your shield of faith up and keep trusting in God.
Focus on God's Word. Get into His Word every day.
Keep a firm focused foundation on the Father.
God is saying your enemies’ days have actually expired. So you will see more things that are unprecedented, unusual, and unconventional.
Humble yourself and get rid of all cares and worries. Give them to God. Then you will be able to withstand the enemy.
God is El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
God will give you revelation knowledge, so you know more about Him, His Word, and how to fight the good fight of faith.
Now is the time to withstand, rebuke and resist the enemy, and to deny him access to your mind and body.
Trust God no matter what happens or what you see.
It's impossible to please God if you don't trust Him.
Lean on, rely on, and trust in God.
Judgment is here for your enemies.
Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday. It's August 7th of 2024. You know how much I love Wednesdays because I get to be on with Pastor Dave also today. Not alone. I get to be with you guys every single morning, which I do cherish. I love each and every one of you. I may not know you all personally.
But you have been such amazing people again. I love looking at the chat. I love seeing how you encourage people. You're like family. You're like family to all of us. Here at JGMI. So we cannot thank each and every one of you enough for your prayers, for for your, you know, watching and praying and every single thing that you do together for one another, you are amazing people.
And I just want to say, God bless you. And we all here. Love you. Now we are living in very exciting times. And that's why I think it's so we can so cherish what God is doing and how he's bringing all of us together. Because in a time where the enemy wanted to bring us completely up, falling apart, destroy us.
Divide us and to weaken us in every way they could God is using it to bring us together to unite and to heal and to to strengthen and For this revival and for glory that God is going to pour out upon this earth And so when the enemy thought that this is where the moment in time where they had us, where they were going to bring us out and bring us down, God's going to break us out and break us forth and break us through everything the enemy is doing to you.
And so no matter what's going on, we look and we pay attention to what God is doing, what God is saying. And we have that hope in the midst of hopelessness. We have that encouragement that so many people need right now. And that is seeing the words of God coming to pass because a lot of people are still thinking that God does not prophesy for today or God does not care about what's going on in the earth because, you know, we're just part of this judgment and we're just part of this thing that it's going to go get so much darker and we're just that part of this punishment.
That's not what God is saying at all. We've seen a lot of rumblings. We've seen a lot of the beginning of shaking of something bigger. That's about to happen. We've seen things that God has talked to us about. We've seen how the stock market was going down. And of course it's being built up again. We're starting to see what happened even with Microsoft and, and that cybersecurity company and how all of a sudden that affected people, but it came back again.
We've seen what's going on with weather, and then of course we will rebuild back again. We're seeing what's going on with the health and all the viruses and all these different things, and then it comes back again. We're seeing the beginning stages or the foreshadowing of what God's telling us, and we've seen rumblings.
But he's also said things about violent shaking. But he's also reminded us that we're in this world, but we are not of it. So as you see more of god's words come to pass as you see more rumblings start to turn into greater shakings God is telling you and I We're going to hold that line and we are not of what's happening in the world Judgment is coming upon the world and against the enemies of almighty god But he's telling you and I that we are not a part of that judgment just like goshen He reminds us of that on us on a daily basis and what we have to do to change Our lives what we have to do to change our family what we do to change what's going on In our neighborhoods or our cities or our nations You Well, how we change things is by our words and being in agreement with almighty God.
So don't talk doom and gloom and don't accept doom and gloom. Don't even accept what's going on in your life today because it can change. Your life can change in a day. God of the breakthrough can show up for you and expect him to show up for you on a daily basis. Don't stay with your circumstances overwhelming you and controlling you.
You overwhelm and you control your circumstances by the power of almighty God. Remember what we learned yesterday. And even greater revelation on the armor of almighty God and how we're not defenseless anymore, but we're going to be on the offense and we're going to be defending the word of God and defending what God has been telling us to defend.
And that's our, what's rightfully belongs to each and every one of us. Is everything that Jesus has already paid the price for so Don't grow weary in doing good. That's what the enemy wants you to do right now. He wants you to grow weary He wants you to get overwhelmed with your circumstances He wants you to give in to your circumstances and what they are telling you and I know that's a very easy thing to do sometimes is to go by what things look like and what things feel and especially if you're having symptoms in your body or You know You're seeing things going on with their family and you don't think it's going to be in it And it's not going to change and they are who they are.
That's not true. God can change Anything nothing is too big for Almighty God So don't ever give in to what your circumstances are telling you don't ever give in To what your feelings and what your body is telling you You don't ever give in. The enemy is the one who has to do that, because he is the one who's already been defeated.
It says in God's word in Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 14. That Jesus has brought him to nothing. So that's how we have to see our enemy as being brought to nothing. And that's how we have to see every single day of our life that we are in the word of God. We stay on the word of God. We believe the word of God more than what we believe.
And our five physical senses are telling us. More we believe what we are seeing and experiencing on a daily basis. That is where that shield of faith comes in trusting in God. So when you have that shield of faith up and you're trusting in God, no matter what is going on in your circumstances in your life, that shield of faith is going to quench all those fiery darts or any tool that your enemy chooses to use, they lose.
So anything they throw at you, it's not going to attack you or touch you because you have that shield of faith. That important part of the armor of Almighty God that a lot of people don't discuss. But again, of course your enemy doesn't want churches to teach about that. Of course they want to persecute the faith, the faith teaching because the enemy doesn't want you to have your shield of faith.
They don't want you to have trust in God. Your enemies don't want you to have trust and faith in God, because if you have trust and faith in God, just like it talks about in Mark chapter 11, your faith can move mountains. Your faith can destroy the power of the enemy your faith And how do you have more faith?
And how do you trust somebody you do not know you can't so you have to get in god's word Which is his will which is the word of god is truth That truth sets you free and that that being in god's word faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god So you build up your faith you build up that shield The more you hear the word of God, and that's why it's so important to hear the word of God all night long.
Put it on, put on that word, put it on, put it on and listen because your spirit man is always going to need to be fed. And there are some times even in my darkest, darkest, darkest of days, I was still listening to the word of God all night long, because even though your mind's asleep, your spirit man is never asleep and he's being fed.
And so sometimes when you're in those dark times, All of a sudden, now the bonnet of the heart, the mouth speaketh, because you are speaking what has been put in your spirit man all night long. So, I tell you guys, a lot of things, like even yesterday's teaching, this happens on a daily basis. A lot of these revelations, I am getting while I'm speaking it to you.
Sometimes I get it before. Most of the time I get it while I'm speaking to you. And so when I'm giving these things to you, this is not coming out of here. This is coming out of here. It's coming out of my spirit. These things, I'm telling you, I am definitely not smart enough to think about this stuff.
This is God and God gets the credit for it. And God gets the glory for it. Because he's the one who's giving us revelations on a daily basis. I'm just thankful that he uses me to do that But it's not me. I'm not that smart. I promise you but god is the one who does that and he's the one who if he allows us to get into the word He we allow him to move on our behalf and bring us his revelations and look look at what we can do Look what we can do in the midst of anything that's going against us God is still teaching us.
We're still learning. We're still growing. He's perfecting our faith. He's strengthening us on a daily basis And then we are what immovable because we have that firm focus foundation on our father So we've seen rumblings of things happening That want to get you to have your foundation break so you're not focusing on God But I know you and I know that you're listening to the word of God.
You have a greater fellowship with God We're reading these emails. We're seeing what's coming in by mail We're seeing how God is changing your relationship with him and it's so awesome to see your faith grow On a daily basis. And that's why it's so important for me to do daily shows. And I mean, it is because we always should be focusing on God's word.
Even when I'm not here, even when I'm not here, the team is still praying. I'm still praying. And there are times where I am going to have to take off. I'm gonna have to take off some rest here. Next week will be one of those times. But i'm going to make sure that you have the videos and you have the prophecies and encouragement or the revelation That god has in store for each and every one of you even though that I may be on vacation Which I haven't had one in a while and I do need it But I love doing what I do and I want you guys to always know that That's the reason why I do prepare all these videos ahead of time so that even though that I am Not, live behind this camera It's still the words of god that you have to hear on a daily basis Even while I'm gone.
That's why I prep so much. I spend so much time before I go out of town for each and every one of you. So, I just want to let you guys know that I will be doing some pre recordings for next week because I am taking a vacation, much needed vacation. I'm excited about it. And again, I am excited to see what God is going to do.
And if anything happens while I'm gone, I am taking my computer. I'm going to be on vacation, but I am taking my computer with me. Because if anything dire happens and if anything that God needs me to get on for I'm gonna be on and I'm gonna be on here for you even on vacation because person like me even though we're on vacation We're still not because we still are praying.
We're still interceding and we're still listening to God. I'm so I still receive prophecies I still receive revelation even while I'm gone because I make sure that I still spend that time with the Lord So if anything happens That I need to get on for just know that I will get on Okay, and we will get on and pray if it need be so all right now Here's the prophetic word i'm going to give to you today now This is from this is a second one from the fourth.
I had two of them that day This was sunday before I went to church. I I get up early in the morning even on weekends And I heard two of them that morning Before I went to church and they're extremely powerful. And this one is called A Short Silence is Coming that's the title of this one This is again a second one for August 4th and the first paragraph starts out with it It says, My children your enemies are at your shoreline. They are at the door to begin their war
they so have desired against Israel and my United States. Your establishment thought they were controlling what your enemies and foreign nations and what they were allowed to do and what they are not. But betrayal is about to strike the heart of the ones who think they're in control of this world. Your enemies in foreign lands are about to strike where the establishment never thought they would. They are allowing proof to come out.... they are pouring it out so they can do what they want against this nation.
China thinks they have it in the bag. All the proof they need, and the weakness in this nation to pull off what they so desire. To shut down and to override this leadership. Their agreement they had with your establishment is now broken. And it's no holds barred in their plans with your government of the United States.
Your government left the door wide open for many foreign nations to come into your land and into your government. They gave them intel, but it will not go the way they want it to go. Foreign nations have turned against the establishment, and the establishment has turned against foreign nations. Too many people wanting power when so many won't let it go.
Your enemies and the children of Almighty God are about to turn on one another and destroy themselves.
They wanted war to stop this nation from rising and to silence you, the people. They were so desperate to stop you and to stop my David, they were, they will allow anything to take place to stop him. Without thinking and really looking and judging the situation, they acted and made mistake after mistake.
And things are about to blow up in your enemy, in your enemy's face, that they never imagined.
Secrets will pour out of Washington and pour out of foreign nations. No more talking. Your enemies are now screaming. No more time to just think, just do. But it will not go as they want any of it to go. Watch your enemies defeat as they destroy themselves. Hold tight, unprecedented is about to be seen and experienced in a way you can't explain.
Hold fast, my children, shaking is coming and it's about to intensify to a degree never felt. Judgment is here for the ones against you, saith the Lord of Hosts. The Secret Service Lies. The FBI lies. The CIA lies. Washington lies. And the establishment lies. And I will show you all the ties to one another and to other nations.
Your government and all of its agencies truly think they can deny, deny, deny... and lie, lie, lie... cover up, cover up, after cover up. That this will work, this is, this will still work, excuse me, and it won't. The more they try to deny, lie, and cover up, the more they will be exposed. I will show you who is behind this assassination attempt where they tried to hide radio recordings, email, and phone conversations.
I have them all, says the Lord, and I will reveal them with no way your enemies can stop it from all coming out. They wanted to hide the text messages, and I have those, too. I have the servers that will show who designed that day in Butler, and who ordered that kill shot.
My children, I have allowed certain things to take place so you could see what was really going on behind closed doors in your so called government and their agencies that control them. Ones in Washington truly believe they have everything covered, so these truths would never come out, but they weren't counting on me to expose them all.
While you, my children, watch them fall, the Secret Service cannot sweep this under the rug, and the establishment will turn on them to cover themselves. This is something they will not be able to move past from like before. Changing of narratives and people will accept and let it go. Not this time! Watch when these servers are released - the destruction of what has been controlling your capital.
You will not only see the rest of the fall of the Biden, but you will see them all fall like dominoes. One after another. Their fall guys won't work this time. They're all connected and I will reveal it all.
The road is about to get bumpy and things will begin to take place you have not seen before. Remember who I Am. I'm your Avenger and Deliverer. I Am moving in so you can win. My children your enemies time has expired. And you will know that for a fact!
A short silence is coming to silence your enemies. So get ready with me, and you will see a mighty victory, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. And then I also heard right after that word, I heard this: *watchmen*, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. *Watergate*, I say this again for a shocking reason.
Not only will you see the truth from back then, but I will show you this architect of the scandal and the blueprints are similar design to what they've used against my David. The architect is the same, and they can't pass the blame to someone else.
A *fake birth certificate* will come back to haunt the ones who made it.
Many false presidents that had fake presidencies and all the laws and everything they passed everything they designed will be annihilated in a day. It will rock this nation to its core and shatter the ruling class like glass.
Your enemies want to reform your Supreme Court. And I will show you it will be *my reform* and *my reset*. I will show you who really belongs on that court and who doesn't. A shaking of the highest court is coming because I Am the judge that will remove the judges on this earth who don't belong. And that goes for anyone who was up the appointment or is appointed by a fake president and a fake election.
My children, a great overhaul and a great political reset is coming, says the Lord. *Catalyst*. This word I say again will also be in your news for a shocking reason.
*Day of reckoning*. This phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Everything is about to change before your eyes.
*Moonshine*, this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. A Kennedy secret is about to be exposed, and it's not how you suppose.
You're about to see the Biden for the last time. This is the final days of this puppet in your white house. O United States. *Top spot*. This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. The ill, the illegal immigrant, almost start all over again. Hold on. The illegal immigration crisis that your enemies created is about to backfire on them in a major way.
So all those things I heard so I wanted to put all these things with this prophecy because it does go along with this prophecy God is speaking to us that the enemy's days are are expired now He's been leading up to this and he's been saying the days, of the enemies are coming to an end He's been saying their movie is about to end He's been talking to us about their expiration date Well, now he says the expiration date has expired.
So that means when the expiration dates expire, we're going to start seeing more and more things start to ramp up. We're going to start seeing more things get bumpy, more things be unprecedented, more things be unconventional. We had like a small little lull or God said like a time, the calm before the storm.
We've seen that in the last couple of weeks. Like a week or so Where it's kind of like you feel like everything's starting to calm down a little bit Well, it's the calm before the storm and he kept saying that to me in this last couple days I'm gonna pray into it more because I believe there's more there For each and every one of us to receive that revelation But when we are at that one of the things we have to do now, I want to read this Scripture to you
go to first peter Because this is what God is telling us to do. We have to stay alert. 1st Peter chapter 5 in verse 8. 1st Peter chapter 5 in verse 8. Be well balanced, temperate, sober of mind, be vigilant and cautious at all times. This is a part where even the calm before the storm, we have to be cautious at all times.
Then he says for the enemy of yours the devil roams around like a lion Roaring in fierce hunger seeking someone to seize upon and devour Well, we should make the determination that he's not allowed to seize upon you and devour you because you're staying alert But it also says if you read in first peter chapter 5 and verse 7 What do you have to do in order to stay alert?
This is something that's very important for God's people to know. We'll start with verse six, therefore humble yourselves, demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation under the mighty hand of God in due time, he may exalt you. So if you are lowering yourself, you're realizing your problems are too big for you.
And you're giving that control over to almighty God. So you're humbling yourself and you're saying, God, I can't do these things. On my own i'm asking you i'm humbling myself before you I thank you that your hands are big enough to fix the situation that I Am in you're humbling yourself verse 7 Casting the whole of your care all your anxieties all your worries all your concerns once and for all on him For he cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
So first we have to humble ourselves Then we have to get rid of all those cares and worries Because cares and worries are going to bog you down cares and worries are going to keep you From what god is saying to you about staying alert You can't be alert and you can't be cautious at all times and you can't be A person that can't be devoured if you are full of worry and anxiety and you're constantly stressed out about everything.
So get a hold of yourself. You're gonna cast all of your cares. Now a lot of times where I've done the same thing. I'm a guilty party where i've done that where you cast your care upon God because you know those are his cares and you know that he can he cares about you and he's more capable of handling it than you are and then all of a sudden something else happens and you take that care back.
We'll keep giving it back to God. He'll keep taking it back. Keep giving it back to God. So humble yourself, get rid of all those worries, fears, anxieties, especially of the unknown, or especially things you don't understand. Well, I don't know how bad are things going to get. Well, this is where you take those cares and go, God, I don't care how bad things are going to get.
I'm going to cast, The cares of this world and all the things that are going on, no matter what happens with the economy, no matter what happens with the terrorist attack upon our nation, no matter what happens with the virus that they're trying to put in this earth, no matter what happens with food shortages, no matter what happens with all these things, I give this thing, I give those cares to you.
No matter what looks like where my children are at and what they believe and what they don't believe. No, no, no, no. I'm calling them my prodigal's home. I thank you, Father God, that even though it may not look like, you know, they are paying attention or they're awake. No, I'm calling them awake right now in Jesus name.
Give those cares of your children unto your God. Or if it's your spouse, it's your finances, whatever it is, get rid of it. Give it to God. Humble yourself. Know that God is bigger. God is El Shaddai. He's a God who nothing is impossible. You may be facing impossible situations, and everywhere you're looking, and God is telling you, cast, humble yourself, cast those cares, get rid of them.
Because you won't be able to have that firm, focused foundation. You won't be able to be alert. When knowing your enemy is around, prowling like a lion, seeking who he may devour. So if you're not humbling yourself and you're trying to control the situation, and you're having anxiety and worries and cares about every single constant thing.
Then your enemy is able to come devour. But this is where again, we have the armor of God that we learned yesterday in a greater revelation than he gave. I, I, again, I had never heard it that way before. God gave that revelation. So he will give us revelation knowledge in this time. He's pouring it out more.
So we know more about him. We know more about his word. We know more about how not to be defenseless. We know more about how to fight the good fight of faith. And so we're learning. This is also a part of that. That's why, in 1 Peter chapter 5, you can't be alert and temperate and sober of mind and be diligent and cautious at all times if you're not humbling yourself under the mighty hand of God, and if you're not casting all your cares and worries upon Him.
Then look what verse 9 says. With stand Him. Well, that's a part of resisting that James 4, 7 talks about. But you're not going to be able to withstand Him, or resist Him, If he's controlling you with fear and anxiety
so humble yourself cash your cares be alert Have that firm focused foundation on god, and then you'll be able to withstand him God is not Like on the show yesterday with bernadette smith great show If you guys miss it go and watch it was powerful The anointing was there the power of god was there the revelation was there go and watch that live show from yesterday You There's so many things that God is doing and God is showing us how to fight and how to show shine our light When the enemy is trying to dim it out There's so many things that God has chosen for you and I to do to take back what rightfully belongs to us that Jesus bought and paid for The enemies have stolen it, but now it's our time to withstand the enemy, to resist him, to rebuke him, and to deny him access in our minds, deny him access to our bodies and to our health.
Remember, you're not sick trying to get healed. You are healed and Satan is trying to steal your healing. Say, Julie, how is that? Well, no, my body says I'm sick. My doctor says I'm sick. But what does the word of God say? By Jesus stripes, ye were healed. Jesus paid the price for you 2, 000 years ago. Satan is trying to steal it from you.
I know one time when I would tell the Lord, I said, Lord, I'm so fed up with my body being broken. Because my body was not functional at all. And this is what I heard. I wasn't saying it in anguish. And frustrated, I was overwhelmed with what my body was doing. It was shutting down. It wasn't working. And I kept saying, my body's broken.
I'm so fed up with my body being broken. And then I heard him say this, no, my body was broken for yours.
Your enemy is trying to make it seem like it is that. Don't receive it. Don't. Believe it. My body was broken. So you would be made whole. Well, I was believing that my body was broken because it wasn't functioning in many different ways. And I won't get all into that because I I've had my testimony video out there.
But what do we believe? Do we believe what our body's telling us? Do we believe what our symptoms are saying? Do we believe what our finances are saying? Do we believe what, what it looks like with our, with our families, with our children, with our spouses? Do we believe what's going on in our nation? Do we believe that these things are bigger than God?
Even at times, again, where I was saying these things out in anguish, in frustration, He was giving me correction. Because I was seeing it in the wrong way. Just like when I was very suicidal. I saw it as I was dragging my family down and God says, no, you are the one that's holding them to me. So it's the exact opposite.
Your enemy wants you to see. He wants you to see what he is trying to change you into being, if that makes sense. He wants you to see through his eyes Of what he's trying to make you become and not what God has already made you designed you and called you to be He's trying to change your perception And that's why we can't keep believing our enemies and what our enemies are saying what our enemies are doing So if you truly believe that you're broken And you truly believe that there's no hope for your marriage or there's no hope for your children Or there's no hope for your finances or there's no hope for this country Then how are you going to be able to withstand or resist your enemy?
If you're believing that lie, I was believing a lie for the longest time about myself, God had to take his word and change my perception of how I saw things. And he still has to remind me of those things. Sometimes we all have to be corrected. God loves, he corrects whom he loves. He will always correct us, but he'll always correct us in a loving way.
Can you not do those things to me to teach me something, but I can be taught in those times of darkness. Just like you can be. God did not, God did not put us in darkness, but he can teach us through that darkness to get us out of it and make us stronger through it. God can take something that Satan means for harm and God can turn it into something good for you.
We just have to allow him to do that. So again, you have your armor on, you're humbling yourself under the mighty hand of God. Remember it even says in Ephesians 6 10, it's by God's strength. So a lot of these times we try to do these things on our own strength and ability. And we can't do them. God's not asking us to do that by our own strength or own ability or own wisdom and knowledge understanding.
That's why it says in God's word to trust in him, lean not to your own understanding. Why? Because your own understanding can deceive you and give you the wrong perception of what your circumstances You'll give in to a defeat when your enemies should be retreating and your enemies should be the ones accepting that defeat So God is trying to change your perception of how you see yourself How you see the situation in your life how you see your situation in your nation or in your government?
we have to change our way of thinking and Get it on the way in alignment of what God is saying and what God is doing and that's the reason why so many things Were allowed to happen Because we had the wrong perception. So let's go here again. First Peter chapter five, verse nine, withstand him, be firm in, what's that word again, faith, our faith, and trust in God, stand firm in faith, trust in God.
And he made it so simple to me. I mean, I was studying the teachings of faith all my life. I'm like, God, what is faith? I know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And we can't please you without faith. It's impossible to please you and Hebrews 11 6. What is faith? But let's turn to Hebrews 6 really quick.
Hold on to first Peter chapter 5. I'm not done, but he's telling me I'm, sorry Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11. i'm gonna start with verse 1 Hebrews 11 in verse 1 now Faith is so people have a question about what faith is We'll go inside the word because God is always going to give you a revelation of his word.
What is faith faith? Now, faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality, faith perceiving as real fact when it is not revealed to the senses. Let's break that down. Now faith is the assurance, the confirmation.
So even though you may not have, you can't see the things because it says it here, right here in the, as real fact, what is not revealed to the senses. So if you say, for instance, you have something physically wrong with your body, so faith is that confirmation, that title deed for healing belongs to me.
And even though my five physical, physical senses are not believing in that or receiving that, and they don't feel like that. My confirmation and title deed to that healing is the fact that I have faith in God and by Jesus stripes I have been healed and I hold on to my healing. It's like you have a title deed to a car Okay, some people don't have their title because it's actually in the hand of the bank because they have a loan You may not be able to see that title because it's in the bank's hands, but you know that title exists because in order to buy a car, you have to have a title.
And you, and you sign that title, especially if you sell it. You just sign it. I think you buy or sell. I've asked, I've asked my husband. He knows about, more about that. He was in the car business for years. But there has to be a title for every single vehicle. Now, some people, if you pay cash for your car, you have your title deed in your possession.
You have your title deed to your car, knowing that you have ownership of that car. And some people have it in a safe, some people have it in their, you know, wherever they keep it. So some people can see it. Some people have that, they can hold on to it. But if, say for instance, you have that bank and the bank has possession of it because you have a loan and you know that title deed is there, you can't see it, but you know it exists.
It's still real, even though you may not be able to feel these certain things that are going on in your body or see what's going on in your finances or see what's going on in your marriage or see what's going on in your children. Your title deed is there. You may not be able to feel it, you may not be able to see it, but you know it's there because it's already been guaranteed because God's promised it.
God's promised you that he always causes you to triumph. So faith is trusting in God even though your five physical senses are telling you everything the opposite. Faith is trust. In God. So, study faith. Study these scriptures. Now again, there are some teachers, and there are some pastors, and there are some preachers, that if they hear the word faith, they get angry.
And they shun people for teaching faith. Like I said, I ruffle feathers by a lot of things that I teach because I have to teach what God says. Whether some people like it or not, it's still truth and it's still in the Word. People go against faith preachers and I can't understand it when it's right here in the Word about faith and what faith is.
Jesus even gave several examples in the Bible when he talked to the disciples and he said, O ye of little faith, you have no faith. Some have, even with the centurion, much faith. There are different levels of faith, or different levels of trusting in God. But you can't trust God unless you know who He is.
So right now, we're going through these rumblings, and we've seen certain things that God has said, and all these things have totally come to pass. Yet, some things have, and some things we're waiting for. We had to trust in God when He said, You're in this world, but you're not of it. He said, Judgments are coming, You're But we're not part of those judgments.
He said a violent shaking is coming. Well, you can say I'm not part of those violent shakings. Faith is that title deed. I'm going to trust God no matter what I see. I'm going to trust God no matter what happens. I'm going to hold on to that title deed that he said, no matter what, that he always caused me to triumph.
He said, no matter what, that he will never leave me nor forsake me. I'm going to hold on to it. I'm going to hold on to God's word and I'm going to be believing and trusting. I'm telling you when you're going through life and death situation, it's easy to forget these revelations. It's easy to let go of that title deed or let go of that trust.
Because you feel like you're not deserving of it. You know, you're so battered down with worry and cares and all these things. And so you, you, you let that title deed slip away. And put it in the possession of your enemy. And it shouldn't be. It's yours. Belongs to you. Healing belongs to you. Freedom belongs to you.
Peace of mind belongs to you. Because Jesus is our Prince of Peace. We're supposed to have the mind of Christ. So your title deed in the word of god your faith should be father god I thank you no matter what my mind is doing to me You said in your word that I have the mind of christ and I have a sound mind Well, god's not giving me a spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind So I don't know what my mind has been doing lately But I thank you that I have a sound mind and that's my title deed because I have faith and trust in you father God that I have that sound mind that you promised me or what's going on in your body What's going on your marriage?
What's going on in family use it Hold fast to the promises of God. I asked God one time. I said, okay, Lord, make it plain. What is, what is faith? Make it plain, Lord. Just make it plain. I want to figure this out. So I kept reading Hebrews 1 or Hebrews 11 1 and they amplified over and over and over again. And this is what he said, Julie, it's simple.
I said, okay, what is it? He said, trust me and not what you see.
I said, that's it? He said, trust me and not what you see. Well, I saw destruction. I saw hopelessness. I saw despair. I saw these things that were going on in my life on all these different avenues. And he said, trust me. Well, if you're trusting God and you have that title deed and you have that faith and you're trusting in him.
Then what are you going to worry about? What are you going to fret about? What are you going to be anxious about? You're not. Because you have a firm, focused foundation on God. You have that faith that you're holding on and trusting in God that He's going to perform His word. It's that assurance we're talking about.
Because God's word in Isaiah 55, 11, His word does not return to Him void. That's why when you're in your prayer, you give God His word back. So verse three, by faith we understand that the world's During the successive ages were framed, fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose by the Word of God.
So the Word of God made the world. God has faith. God lives on the inside of us. We have the ability to trust in God. So that we may see and not made of things which, which are visible. So when God spoke this world into existence, Transcribed Before it wasn't visible, but now it's visible. So when we speak the words of god, it may not be visible right away But when we speak it and we declare it and decree it Just like the woman with the issue of blood she kept saying if I could only touch the hem of his garment I shall be made whole she couldn't see his garment yet, and she couldn't see her healing yet But she had faith and she trusted in him And all and what he could do and all of a sudden she she fought through it marched forward touched the hem of his garment And jesus turned around and said to her Daughter, your faith has made you whole.
Jesus didn't have to pray for her. He just didn't have to lay hands on her. Her faith made her whole. That's why the enemy doesn't want you to know about faith. Verse 6, But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to him. For whoever would come near to God must necessarily believe that God exists and that he is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek him out.
So it's impossible to please God without faith. Well, it's impossible to please God without trusting in him. I'm sure that my husband wouldn't like it if I said I didn't trust him. I'm sure. I mean, I wouldn't like it if he said he didn't trust me. So it's God's the same way. It's impossible to please God if we don't trust him.
So we need to right now when things are going to violently shake, things are going to change unprecedented, unconventional, unusual, things are out of the ordinary. We have to trust. In God go back to first Peter again. I wasn't I didn't forget where I was first Peter chapter 5 verse 9 We withstand him be firm in faith against the onset rooted established strong immovable and determined Knowing that the same identical sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood the whole body of Christians throughout the world So we have to withstand him we withstand The enemy resist the enemy with faith or our trusting in God You That not only can he do the things in his word, but he will do the things in his word for you and I.
Jeremiah 1. 12, God does what? He watches over his word to perform it. And then, Psalm 89, it says that he is his covenant he will not break. He's a covenant keeping God. Find out what his covenant is. Find out what the blood covenant is. Do some research, find out the promises of Almighty God, and know that He won't break them.
Verse 10, After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who imparts all blessing and favor, who has called you to His own, eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, established and ground you securely, securely, strengthened and settled you. So even though you may have suffered, even though you may have gone through trying times, You lean on, rely on, trust in God, have the God kind of faith, trust in God, and He's gonna secure you, He's gonna strengthen you, He's gonna establish you, He's gonna perfect you, He's gonna make you what you ought to be.
So no matter what happens, you focus on what God is saying, and He will give you the right perception. Remember, I've said this many times before, see through the eyes of Christ. And what he has done, and what he's given you the ability to do, because,
go to Philippians 4 and 13, I have strength for all things in Christ. If you have the eye, the mind of Christ, you have the eyes, you can see through the eyes of Christ. You can see through his perception. You can see what he's already done. And so he says, I have strength for all things in Christ. So you can do all things with Christ and Christ's ability who empowers me.
I'm ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner strength into me. I'm self sufficient in Christ sufficiencies. Don't go into this battle alone. Every day, when you're facing something, you face it with, say, Lord, I don't know how I'm going to get out of this mess, but I know. This mess is not bigger than you.
If you need to repent, repent. If you need to cast your cares, cast your cares. Humble yourself before God. Then resist and withstand your enemy. Make sure you have the armor of God on. Put it on, that way you're able to withstand the enemy. Now I'm going to go back over this prophetic word because there's a lot in here.
A short silence is coming. We already saw something that was a rumble. I said it earlier, it was like a rumble. Before a massive earthquake, Or shaking, violent earthquake, there's rumbles of something, a big one about to happen. You might have some earthquake, but it's not the big one. But it can be an indication of that bigger one coming.
And we saw what happened with Microsoft, we saw what happened with that cyber security company. You saw how everything was affected. Guys been warning us about planes being grounded, about the internet, about the banking system. About all these different things. People couldn't even get gas that day.
Depending on where it was. So there was things that were a rumbling. It was God showing us This is the beginning. He's trying to let people see these things, these rumbles, the foreshadowing of what's to come So we're able to prepare our hearts for what's coming that's bigger, but he's giving you this revelation He's perfecting your trust in him or your faith in him So when these things start to shake even more you won't be shaken Everything that can be shaken will be Everything that can be.
But you say I thank you father god that I cannot be shaken. I thank you father god that you've perfected my faith I thank you father god that i'm hearing your word and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word I thank you father god that you are faithful to perform your word. I'm going to keep speaking your word I'm not going to speak to feet I'm not going to speak about these things that are happening in this world that they will affect me because they won't affect me Because it says in your written word Psalm 91, a thousand may fall at one sight, and ten thousand at another, but it will not come near.
So when all these things happen, just know, we've seen certain things. We've seen crazy things happen with phones. Dropping phone calls. The internet not working. We've seen certain things going on with all these different things. Again, God told us about it. We cannot be so dependent on this and be more dependent on this than we are of God.
So he says a short silence is coming. People have been talking about, and the Lord has been talking about this, is the silence and people don't get Overwhelmed, don't get into fear, don't put your guard down, get excited about it. This is nothing to fear. This is what he's saying. Again, this is the second prophetic word from Sunday.
August 4th. My children, your enemies are at your shoreline. They're at the door to begin their war they have so desired against Israel and my United States. So right now he's telling us they're at the shoreline or at, they're at the door. They can't get any closer than what they're at. He talked about the Trojan horse.
He talked about terrorist attacks. He talked about chaos in the streets. He talked about unprecedented things. Now he's saying they're at the shoreline. They're at the door. So these things are not very far off They're not months and months and months and months and months away or years away. They're close Your establishment thought they were controlling what your enemies in foreign nations and what they were allowed to do and what they were not So as you can see here in this prophecy, again, our enemies want war.
They're trying to bring in World War III. It's not going to happen. And there's been a lot of talks of World War III. It looks like we could go into World War III, especially what's happening with Ukraine and Russia. And now you have what's going on with Israel against Iran and Hamas and all that and Hezbollah and all these other countries around it.
I think Turkey was involved in all these other different countries. And so you see that things are going on. There's, there's unrest. Well, there is. And they tried to start a war, and they're gonna try to start a war, and they're gonna try to do things on this soil. That's why they brought in and opened up the borders, and they've been training terrorist cells in this country, because the establishment think that they were controlling all of it.
By allowing the enemies to come in, paying them to be here, and doing what they want when they want. But God is showing us something right here. So they allowed people in foreign nations into our government, seeing our intel, in all these different places all over the world. And especially in all of our states in every area.
So they, they think our establishment in this country, they think they can truly control everything that's going on around the world. This is what God's saying. But betrayal is about to strike the heart of the ones who think they control the world. Who is that? The establishment, the world elites. He said betrayal.
So they're gonna get betrayed. He said your enemies in foreign lands are about to strike the establishment that they never thought they would. So the establishment doesn't think that these foreign nations would betray them. Money, power, politics, all this crap. And then they have it in the back.
Everything they got, they got it, they have it, because you know, we're this powerful country.
But they also have our intel they know our weaknesses and they have a lot of secrets Because they've have secrets against each other in these foreign nations some of these four nations I've been hiding some of these secrets. They says they are allowing to come out. What are they allowing to come out?
They are allowing they are pouring it out so they can do what they want against this nation. They are pouring out What they're exposing them the girls are pouring out their secrets and their truth that they've been trying to hide so these foreign countries Know exactly what's going on. Our establishment has been so stupid by allowing certain people to see certain things.
And again, they have dirt on a lot of people. Everyone's got dirt on one another. That's how they stay, you know, one side and they stay protected. They say that the establishment that's been so deeply rooted, they have their, you know, they have their secrets. Well, if you do this to me, I'm going to do this to you.
This is the same thing to foreign nations. And these foreign nations are going to betray. This establishment and say, we're going to do whatever we want to do. Next paragraph, one of them's China. China thinks they have it in the bag. All the proof they need and the weakness in the nation to pull off what they so desire.
To shut down, to override this leadership. China, remember, China. China Joe. There's a lot of stuff China's got on people like him. Because they've done a lot of dirty deals together. But they can wipe their hands of it and make it look like they weren't a part of it, and make it look like it was his idea.
They can do anything they want, they think. Look at this. Desire to shut down and override this leadership. Their agreement they had with your establishment is now broken, and it's no holds barred, and their plans with your government owe the United States. So whatever plan or agreement they had with our government, China did?
Gone. Broken. That's why they're gonna betray them. Your government left the door wide open for many foreign nations to come into your country and into your government and they gave them intel, but it will not go the way they want it to go. So again, the establishment has things on China and China has things on the establishment.
That's what they're gonna turn on each other. This is what he says in the next paragraph. Foreign nations have turned against the establishment and the establishment has turned against foreign nations. Too many people wanting the power when so many won't let it go. Go read 2nd Chronicles 20. That's a really good example of the enemies turning on each other when God's people didn't have to do anything to fight it.
All they had to do was praise, have faith, you know, the battle is the Lord, and they sat there, they praised and worshiped God, then they sat there and they didn't worry They cast their cares upon him, that's why they fasted and prayed, and when they did that, God set up ambushes and the enemies just defeated themselves.
It's happening again, but on a way bigger scale. I don't have time to go over 2 Chronicles 20 today. I have gone over it many times, but that's the scripture he's bringing up. Go and read that entire chapter. He says, Your enemies, children of Almighty God, are about to turn on one another and destroy themselves.
They're about, the enemies of Almighty God. The children of Almighty God are about to turn on one another and assure themselves. They wanted a war to stop this nation from rising and to silence you, the people. So they wanted a war. They wanted what? A civil war. There are things we're going to find out about the assassination attempt on President Trump.
We're going to find out who was all involved. And that was supposed to start a civil war and they didn't get it. They want a war to stop this nation from rising to silence you. They were so desperate to stop you and to stop my David that they will allow anything to take place to stop him. That's the establishment.
That's what he's talking about. They, the establishment, want a civil war in this country. Because a house divided against itself cannot stand and they know it. They wanted to weaken us and they wanted to stop the person that they know God has called and they know He's got dirt on them and they know he's given it to certain people and they don't know who he's given it to.
That's why they're so desperate. Then he goes on to say without thinking and really looking at and judging the situation they acted and made mistake after mistake. He's talking about the sabstination attack. Without thinking, because they saw what happened with that ruling from the Supreme Court, And they saw how all of their indictments were falling apart.
And then all of a sudden they're like, we have to act. Well, they may, they made mistake after mistake. And he says that things are about to blow up in ways your enemies never imagined. They're about to blow up in their face. They can't see it yet. Not fully. And they won't until it's too late. Secrets will pour out of Washington and pour out of foreign nations.
So Washington may let things go. Remember God has infiltrators in Washington, but he also has infiltrators in these foreign countries. And God says right here, no more talking. Your enemies are screaming. No more time to think. Just do. So no more time to start sitting there and thinking and planning out all these things.
Just go and do it. Just go and do all these things that they were going to do without a plan. Just go and do it. Without knowing the full plan. They will not go as they want it to go. Watch your enemy's defeat as they destroy themselves. Hold tight. Unprecedented. It's about to be seen and experienced in a way you can't explain.
Well, just like Pharaoh. You gotta think about that for a minute. He had the biggest defeat and he destroyed himself. And he destroyed his army because they kept pursuing after God's people and that's exactly what's going on now. He calls them the Pharaohs of today and they keep pursuing God's people and they're going to destroy themselves.
I mean again, God gives us example after example in the word. That's why it's so important to know it. He says, hold fast my children, shaking is coming. It's about to intensify to degree never felt before. Judgment is here for the ones against you, saith the Lord of hosts. So again, judgment Is not coming.
Judgment is here. He's saying. He kept saying for a long time, it's coming. It's coming. It's coming. And now he's saying it's here. It's here. It's here. Things are changing. Then he says the Secret Service lies. Well, we know that. Now we're knowing it even more. The FBI lies. Well, we know that, too. The CIA, they lie.
Washington lies. The establishment lies. They all lie. And he says, and I will show you all the ties to one another and to other nations. Your government and all of its agencies truly think they can deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie, cover up, cover up, after cover up, and that will still work, and it won't. This is what they've been doing for a long time.
Look what happened with Hillary in Benghazi. Deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie, and looks like she got away with it. She didn't. Look what they did now over in Afghanistan. Lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny. Looks like they got away with it. They didn't. That was a payoff. Same thing with Benghazi. There's a lot of different things that have happened in this country.
There's a lot of things that were involving foreign nations. They denied it. They lied about it. They thought they're lying through their teeth. It's like what they're doing with the assassination attempt. The Secret Service trying to lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny, just cover it up and move on. It's not going to work.
They're trying to hide what they're doing with the indictments against President Trump. The FBI, the DOJ, and they're trying to hide and lie. Lie, lie, lie, cover it up. Deny. But I'm sorry, there's a lot in Washington, including the ones in the red, who had these intelligence their briefings and all their types of hearings they've had, and they've allowed these people to lie and did nothing about it.
Where's Contemplative Congress? Where is the perjury? Why are these people not being thrown in prison? Because a lot of them are involved. Not everyone is involved. God's gonna show us who's is and who isn't. There are things that right now, the assassination attempt, they should already know, and they should, people should be arrested for it.
But why aren't they? Why are things being covered up? Why all of a sudden is the house, they have a Intel committee now, they have an investigation committee for this for this assassination attempt. Have they met? Have they done any investigation? Have they done anything?
Again, it's all for show. They're not really going to do anything about it. Why do you think God keeps talking about a political reset? You don't need an election to save us. We need God. We need prayer and fasting. Because they're going to, you know, again, he said they're going to try to deny, they're going to try to lie, they're going to try to cover these things up.
He says it's not going to work this time. He says the more they try to deny, lie, and cover up, the more they will be exposed. But if our government actually worked like a government is supposed to, These things would never be allowed. Things would happen quicker. Things would not be so delayed and so pushed off until people don't care about it anymore.
Same thing that happened with what they just did with Biden and Kamala. Unconstitutional! How they did it. Against election law. They don't care. They're just gonna shove things down your throat. They're gonna do whatever they want. That's what they used to do. It's not gonna work anymore. I will show you who was behind the assassination attempt that they tried to hide.
radio recordings, emails, phone conversations. I have them all, says the Lord, and I will reveal them with no way your enemies can stop it from all coming out. They wanted to hide the text messages. And I have those too. I have the servers that will show who designed that day in Butler and who ordered the kill shot.
That is extremely important and he has that in bold. I have the servers that will show who designed that day in Butler and who ordered the kill shot. Somebody ordered it.
And they had to design, they had the architect, the person who designed it, the person who ordered all of it to happen. My children and I have allowed certain things to take place so you could see what was really going on behind closed doors in your so called government and their agencies that control them.
Ones in Washington truly believe they have everything covered, so they, the truth would never come out. But they weren't counting on me to expose it all. So they have all of their You know, the CIA and the FBI, they have their Secret Service, and they have all the ones in Washington, they have all the ones in the DOJ, they have the ones in the Supreme Court, they have all these different things going all over the place, they have all these different judges and all these different circuit courts.
And guess what? None of that's going to work anymore, and it doesn't matter, because none of it's bigger than God. While you, my children, watch them all fall, because we're going to watch them all fall, the Secret Service cannot
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