The kNight Before - Day 20

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Day 20 - The kNight Before

The Roles of The Soul continues to grow as we go on this journey.

If someone was to ask you what you did, and you answered truly as the Soul, How roles could you say as a Knowing?

Know your Roles

The more you go through this journey with awareness the more your Soul Remembers. It is like gaining badges in Soul Scouts.

When you flow from day to day your energy increases, the growth from your Soul.

From the little soul, to the son of God, all the way to being a grown up. You become an Adult Tree

Standing on your feet and ready to shoot up.

The moment you become a free thinker, you will be accused of Adultery, and dark forces will work together (to-get-her) to dim out your lights.

This is where your spirit will rise to the challenge of life and get ahead of time. Each day is a choice to get ahead of God Awakening, and lead the way.

It is your time to take the Wheel/Will

Your Soul sets each Night

Protecting over your body as The Knight

Each day, you awaken Knighted,

Yes Sir

Recognised for your Service, You are noticed and have protection always.

Trust in God and Gods Children, Return to the stream

As the flow lengthens, the quicker you will notice the signs.

Pay close attention to all fear, The choice in every moment

Pay attention when The alarm bells go off as this is the sign for last call

Your body truly is your temple, you are fully protected. Your Armour of God strengthens as Your Soul continues to shine.

Can you recall a time where you experienced a divine intervention, a close call, a strong intuition that you did or did not act on?

Can you stretch the memories back to the Night before and Night after?

Can you remember the signs?

This feeling is forever present in you.

The gift of all gifts

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