Wrestle at the Trestle 2 - What About Pointed Sticks? (parody)

4 months ago

The stupidity and dangers of indoctrinating children.
(Perverting and mutilating children will be stopped)
The Treasonous State is attacking children and Canadian values.
The criminal government of Canada used tax dollars to contract these bad actors. The State has budgets under the guise called Hate Crime. The money is used against the people to demonize and persecute through acts of tyranny and crimes against humanity.
The State sews and creates anger and division in the community in their quest to maintain their agenda of extortion, enslavement and control.

Real Canadians don’t hate anyone, its not our culture. The State must be held accountable for these crimes.

Real Canadians don’t hate anyone, its not our culture.
Re antihate funding:
$908,400 to be exact plus another $200,000 they got from BMO so total over $1,108,400!

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