Aviation Historical Since 1919

3 months ago

Scope & Content: Reel 1, Pres. and Mrs. Wilson greet air mail pilots at Bolling Field (D.C.) in 1918. Douglas Cruisers land and Army pilots Smith, Nelson, Arnold, Wade, Ogden, and Harding are greeted by Mayor Curley in Boston in 1924. The pilots are greeted at Mitchel Field, N.Y.C. by the Prince of Wales; at Bolling Field by Pres. Coolidge, Sec. Weeks, and Gen. Mitchell; at Chicago by Mayor Dever and Gen. Hale; and at Columbus, Ohio. The Berlinger helicopter is tested at Bolling Field in 1925. Lts. Maitland and Hegenberger return from a 1929 trans-Pacific trip and are greeted at Bolling Field by Secs. Kellogg and Wilbur; Gens. Pershing, Fechet, and Patrick; Anthony Fokker; C.L. Lawrence; Lindbergh; and Eddie Rickenbacker. Reel 2, the Memphis docks at Wash., D.C, in 1927; Lindbergh debarks and rides to the Washington Monument with his mother and Postmaster Gen. New. The airship Los Angeles circles overhead. Coolidge and C.E. Hughes give Lindbergh medals. He lands the Spirit of St. Louis at Chicago and speaks at Soldiers Field. Shows Gen. Lassiter and Mayor Thompson. The Spirit of St. Louis departs from Bolling Field for Mexico. Lindbergh and Gens. Graves, Craig, and Cruikshank review troops at Ft. Amador, C.Z. Reel 3, Gens. Summerall and Fechet greet Mexican flyer Carranza at Bolling Field in 1928. Sec. Davis and Fr. Gen. Thenauld greet French pilots Costes and Lebrix at Bolling Field in 1928. Kellogg, Lindbergh, and Rickenbacker greet the crew of the airplane Bremen at Bolling Field in 1928. Coolidge greets fliers Fitzmaurice, Koehl, and von Huenefeld at the White House. The fliers visit the Capitol and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Reel 4, Gov. Small officiates as the pilots are honored by a Chicago parade. Sec. Davis presents the D.F.C. to Orville Wright. Pres. and Mrs. Hoover, Rickenbacker, and Fechet attend an air show. Rickenbacker poses with members of the 94th Aero Squadron.

Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 9/18/1947-2/28/1964 (Most Recent)
Series: Historical Films, ca. 1914 - ca. 1936
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985

Production Date: 1936
Other Title(s): Historical Film, No. 1186
Sound Type:Silent

Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email: mopix@nara.gov

National Archives Identifier: 24691
Local Identifier: 111-H-1186


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