5 months ago

Romans 1:28-32 AMP
[28] And since they did not see fit to acknowledge YaHU'aH God or consider Him worth KNOWING [as their CREATOR], YaHU'aH God gave them over to a DEPRAVED MIND, to do things which are IMPROPER and REPULSIVE, [29] until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, WICKEDNESS, GREED, EVIL; full of ENVY, MURDER, STRIFE, DECEIT, MALICE and MEAN-SPIRITEDNESS. They are GOSSIPS [SPREADING RUMORS], [30] SLANDERERS, HATERS of YAHU'AH God, INSOLENT, ARROGANT, BOASTFUL, INVENTORS [of new forms] of EVIL, DISOBEDIENT and DISRESPECTFUL to PARENTS, [31] without UNDERSTANDING, UNTRUSTWORTHY, UNLOVING, UNMERCIFUL [without pity]. [32] Although they KNOW YaHU'aH God’s RIGHTEOUS decree and His JUDGMENT, that those who do such things DESERVE DEATH, yet they not only do them, but they even [ENTHUSIASTICALLY] APPROVE and TOLERATE others who PRACTICE THEM.…

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