“Names, Power, Zion, Doom!"” GET TO THE POINT™ Come Follow Me: 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi

4 months ago

Get my book: https://www.amazon.com/Consider-Servant-Kendal-Brian-Hunter/dp/1555177522

Opening Hymn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ECFF9hxjoI

"Names, Power, Zion, Doom!"
I. Intro
i. You're looking good today and it feels good to be with you.
ii. Patter
II. Theme: "Names, Power, Zion, Doom"
III. Approach: More emphasis on 3 N 27 and 4 Nephi, and less effort on the middle chapters.
IV. 3 N 27
i. Disciples united in fasting and mighty prayer
1. Agree and Ask, Matt 18:19; D&C 27:18, 29:30
2. Ask is easy, agree is not. Ideas from podcast, church folklore, hearsay theology
3. Study scriptures, Eyring, Cook
ii. Christ appears:
1. "What do you want?"
2. Call the church?
a. Odd: Mosiah 18:17
b. typical in church meetings
c. Need to study doctrine of Christ
iii. Response:
1. Not a rule, but a principle: do everything in name of son Moses 5:8
2. Called Moses name, Moses' Church
a. Luther
b. Calvin
c. Wesley
d. Arminius
e. Mormon
f. Line  of logic or illogic, Mormon a good person. Wasn't Moses a good person? Christ didn't buy into that illogic
3. Name, and built on gospel (not rebranding), Christ show works
a. works of men or devil
b. D&C 46:7 makes a distinction between commandments of men and doctrine of devils
c. Good, Better , Best; Celestial, Terrestrial, telestial
iv. Defines gospel in terms of sacrifice and mission, not all truth, or watering down things so we can fit in with broader Christendom
v. Judge out of books--no question what's on the test
vi. Be even as I am
vii. Son of perdition, JFS wondered if Judas was not fully accountable GD, 433. This verse, 32, seems to discount that --selling Christ for money
V. 3 N 28
i. Further question: First was institutional "what do you want?" This a personal "What do you want?"
1. 9, age of a man, 72 years. Isaiah 65:20, child 100 years
2. 3 want to be like John the Beloved, remain. Part of older tradition or missing scripture?
ii. Translation vs Transfiguration
1. Translation, body changed to live, not age, not sick
a. TPJS, p.170 "Many have supposed that the doctrine of translation was a doctrine whereby men were taken immediately into the presence of God, and into an eternal fullness, but this is a mistaken idea. Their place of habitation is that of the terrestrial order, and a place prepared for such characters He held in reserve to be ministering angels unto many planets, and who as yet have not entered into so great a fullness as those who are resurrected from the dead. "Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection." (See Hebrews 11:35.)
b. D&C 130:5, "Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it."
2. Transfiguration, like First Vision, temporary change to be with spiritual beings.
iii. Nature of pain: No physical, but emotional pain. This is pain Father feels for us.
VI. 3 N 29
i. Eye glaze chapter for some people
ii. Covenant of gathering
iii. Spurn: kick, drive back, scorn, disdain
1. Deny miracles
2. Son of perdition mentioned again, since in book of Mormon a basic principle
a. yes, you can sin beyond Christ's power to redeem
b. Topical Guide, Sons of Perdition
c. JS Manual ch 17
3. Antisemitism. Pray to love the Jews, gratitude for Jews?
VII. 3 N 30
VIII. 4 N 1
i. Long section
1. RMN October 2024 Liahona
2. Sustainable Societies, DTC Oct 2020
3. Pay attention to the pattern:
a. Church units
b. Families
c. roommates
ii. Zion
1. Gospel: repent and ordinances
2. No contentions
3. Deal justly, commutative justice
4. All things in common, distributive justice
5. heavenly gift
6. Time of Miracles
7. urban renewal
8. fair and delightsome. Disavows racist teachings,but what does this mean?
9. Married
10. No law of Moses
11. Fasting and prayer
12. Remotion, Via Negativa, no this no that, no prime-time TV violence and sin
13. No -ites, dividing labels posted to people's foreheads
14. Prosperity in Christ (temporal wealth)
iii. Doom
1. Verse 20, the dissension.
a. Tied with wealth
b. Pride of ethnic identities
c. united order breaks apart
d. Classes
e. "Churches unto themselves"
2. 27. Profile of Church unto Themselves
a. And it came to pass that when two hundred and ten years had passed away there were many churches in the land; yea, there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of his gospel, insomuch that they did receive all manner of wickedness, and did administer that which was sacred unto him to whom it had been forbidden because of unworthiness.(Book of Mormon | 4 Nephi 1:27)
b. Inclusive, non-judgmental, seeker-friendly church
c. This church had much power from the devil, as is today
3. Another church
a. Deny Christ
b. Persecute 3 Nephites and members
c. Miracle envy
4. Many churches built up to do iniquity, mote member of the church, dwindle in iniquity
5. Churches enable sin; we have churches, NEOs ( Non-ecclesiastical Organizations), pundits and podcasters, and influencers
1. Old ethnic divisions, Nephite, Jacob, Joseh, Zoram (Sam among Nephites)
2. Laman, Lemuel, Ishmael
3. Wicked wax strong
4. Adorned churches unto themselves
5. Secret combinations
6. Traffic and treasure
7. Nephites fall.
8. Ammaron hides up records
IX. Christ Quotient
i. Name of Chruch
1. Junior Sunday School, Sister Thompson
2. Loyal to dead prophets, faulty precedents
a. James E. Talmage, Conference Report, April 1916, p.125
i. The members of that Church are often spoken of as "Mormons," and the Church has come to be known more generally as the "Mormon Church" than by its proper name and distinguishing title, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We as a people do not maintain any strong protest against the application of the term "Mormon" and its several derivatives; though we deplore the fact that misunderstanding may arise in the minds of inquirers and investigators respecting the significance of that name, which originally was used as a nickname in its application to the Church. You may call us Mormons if you will; remember, however, as you must--must, if you will have respect unto the truth that this is not the church of Mormon. Mormon was a man, a very worthy man and a very great man in his day when he lived in the flesh, and a very great personage since that time; but he was a man among men, and while his name is very properly applied to the abridgement of certain early records, which abridgement he made and supplemented by many writings of his own, now published under the name of the Book of Mormon, the Church is not his church, nor is it the church of Peter or James or John, nor is it the church of Joseph Smith, nor of Brigham Young, nor of Joseph F. Smith, nor the church of the present authorities of the body. It is the Church of Jesus Christ and it is the only Church upon the face of the earth affirming divine authorization for the use of the name of the Savior of mankind as part of its distinctive designation.
b. Elder James E. Talmage, Conference Report, April 1930, Third Day—Morning Meeting, p.95
i. The world calls this religion "Mormonism;" so let it be; we shall use the term, it's convenient. We are always on our guard against the possible misapprehension attending its use, but we may use it safely.
c. GBH October 1990
ii. Zion: You just read Christ's plan. No confusion, just Christ--and that's the point

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