Castellanos on GOP Voter Registration Surge: Something Is ‘Giving Republicans a Lot of Confidence’

8 hours ago

BAIER: “Where do you see this and how big a deal is the early vote and the whole get out the vote in between the two parties, how they’re good at it, bad at it, where it stands.”
CASTELLANOS: “Well, one election is really two elections. There’s the persuasion election, people’s attitudes, and then there’s the turn-out election, how efficient is each side in delivering that vote to the polls and Democrats have done pretty good at that the last election, the turn-out election, early voting, mail voting they excelled but we have to thank our democratic brothers because for the example because we’ve caught up. I think Republicans are out there now voting early and often in mail and in-person and we’re seeing that but also Republicans have an advantage now. Underneath all that is how big is the pool of voters and Republicans have now caught up nationally with Democrats and moved ahead. More people self-identify as Republicans. In Pennsylvania we gained 138,000 voters, Democrats have only gained about 35,000. In Arizona, more Republicans have registered to vote than Democrats since Kamala Harris became the nominee. In North Carolina hundred counties in 93 of the counties Republican registration is up. Only in nine counties is Democrat registration up. So something is happening out there that’s giving Republicans a lot of confidence.”

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