Indian Actress Struck by Massive Heart Attack... - Sushmita Sen (47)

4 months ago

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Susmita Sen announced on her Instagram that she survived a massive heart attack. She then places an elephant in the room by not addressing the most obvious question we all have at this moment.


New Delhi: Sushmita Sen, on Thursday, left everyone, including us, worried when she announced on Instagram that she suffered a heart attack a few days ago. The actress shared a picture with her father, Subir Sen, and opened up about her health. Now, Sushmita Sen, in an Instagram live, has thanked all the doctors and the medical staff “for making all of this so painless”. The actress has also announced that she will make a powerful comeback with the third season of Aarya 3. She said, “Will be back on Aarya 3 sets, I am going to give you all a season 3 like never before. Yes, I will get well soon. I can't wait to get back on the Aarya set. Everyone is going to sit with their hearts in their mouth.”
Talking about the importance of regular health checkups, Sushmita Sen said, “A lot of young people are not surviving heart attacks, so it is very important to keep checking yourself.”

Sushmita Sen added that she suffered a “massive heart attack”. She had a “95 per cent blockage” in the main artery. Highlighting the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the actress said, “I know a lot of you will stop going to the gym and say, ‘it did not help her', but that is not good. It did help me. I survived a very big heart attack. It was massive with a 95 per cent blockage in the main artery. I survived because I have kept an active lifestyle. I believe that for what it is worth, it was a phase and it passed. I am very lucky to be on the other side. It doesn't put fear in me, instead, I now have a feeling of promise to look forward to something.”


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