Despite Multiple Media Mulligans, Kamala Harris STILL Can't Say What She'd Do Differently Than Biden

4 months ago

Posted • October 19, 2024: We're not sure how many bites of the apple the media are going to give Kamala Harris when it comes to saying what she'd do differently than Joe Biden. She's had at least three chances to put some distance between herself and Joe Biden's unpopular policies. And she's failed to do so every time. Here's Peter Alexander of MSNBC giving her yet another chance. Peter Alexander: What is one policy you would have done differently over these last three and a half years than president Biden? - Harris: "To be very candid with you, even including Mike Pence, vice presidents are not critical of their presidents. I think that really in terms of the tradition of it and also just going forward, it does not make for a productive and important relationship."

After some back and forth, she mentions her recent plans for Medicare home care, housing, and more. Swing and a miss. Also -- Mike Pence isn't critical of Donald Trump? What color is the sky in Kamala's world? Pence has been extremely critical of Donald Trump. She mentions something about her plans; plans which are vague and meaningless. Her team should have started working on an answer to this question the morning after the June debate. That they didn't speaks volumes. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Despite MULTIPLE Media Mulligans, Kamala Harris STILL Can't Say What She'd Do Differently Than Biden

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