G1000 Autopilot Vertical Speed vs Flight Level Change for Climbing | MSFS2020

4 months ago

With the G1000 avionics autopilot system, as pilots we have a couple of options for climbing. Vertical Speed (VS) and Flight Level Change (FLC). In this video I demonstrate why I use FLC for climbing and not VS. Don't get me wrong, VS is safe to use for climbing, however you need to be careful when using VS to climb. If your not paying close attention to your airspeed as you climb, the autopilot may stall your aircraft.

In some older autopilots, VS is the only option for climbing or descending.

I hope you got something out of this video. Thank-you for watching.
00:31 Pre-setting the altitude we want to climb to.
00:44 Setting Vertical Speed for climbing @ 1000 feet per minute.
04:09 Autopilot induced stall warning.
04:13 Using Flight Level Change (FLC) to reconfigure a safe climb.
06:53 Adjusting the FLC speed.
07:26 Youtube Thumbnail capture.
07:50 Thank-You for watching.

Software used @GndSpeedGaming to create this video:
OBS - Open Broadcast Software (free open source software): Used to capture video footage from the computer screen.
Affinity Photo 2 - https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/
Davinci Resolve by Black Magic Design. (free video editing software) https://ashleywincer.com/DaVinci

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