Dr.Amir Jahangiri Part 2 We’ve reached that point, where reading the rule-book doesn’t work

4 months ago

Part Two
We Discuss Planetary Change and Our Co-operation with Elementals

I liken ‘us’ to tent-poles, holding up the NEW EARTH despite the technological overlays…
00.36 In order for humanity to be sabotaged, this had to begin with the planet.
Many many great wars were fought over two controls the energetic grids of Earth, and then disabling her natural nervous system. - or the leylines or harmonic natural grids - that was not an easy task either.
Many times, the opposition had to resort to human sacrifice.
01.10 (I cut in:
This is important: I speak of people’s ‘love and admiration’ for the pyramids and other structures which were purposefully built FOR this harvesting and suppressing of the natural earth gird and involved in human sacrifice….)

2.32 I love those words: Important and useful.

We are not storytellers, we don’t have time to waste, you and I, my dear friend. We would like to talk about something, and then present a solution for our esteemed audience.
So let’s do that.
The location of these sacred sites: they have always been sacred.
Now I mentioned that the gift of evolution and the experiment which is the creation of the ultimate ‘super-being’, in the infinite fractal of existence, could not happen without Earth.
But there is a very good reason for this.
03.09 The missing parts of computational approaches need to be filled-in organically.
This is a gift of life and love.
Very early on, planet Earth was gifted with many of these,….I like to call, “Guardian Crystals”.
Even a single one is enough for the path of life and evolution to go forward.
Earth was gifted with many thousand, strategically-placed under the surface, going all around the planet and also included under the depths of the oceans - creating a grid.
3.47 Now, you don’t need to knock-out the entire nervous system to disable this. The crystals are host to very sentient beings, incredibly gentle, called the ‘guardians’.
- I like to consider those as Earth-Elementals.
By sacrificing a large number of people at the same time, over the same location, the trauma and pain would become overwhelming, and the guardians would go into a state of sleep or hibernation.
Now, to make things worse, sacred geometry was used, and structures or temples were created, not only to keep that energy of trauma trapped and present, - just incase the Guardians want to waken…..but also to prevent those souls that had been sacrificed from ascending.
So many of those conscious beings are entrapped within the structure.
( I am holding back the tears here, as I recently cleared the local ‘sacrificial hill…and am aware of this phenomena..)
4.48 So, what do you do? What do you do?
If you have the capability to do it alone? First of all, open a portal and send these all to a little ‘pocket-universe’, so they receive healing, and teaching and they get a proper life-review. Once that occurs, they can re-enter the cycle of divine evolution. - Consciousness evolution.
5.15 Then it comes to the breaking of the Sacred Geometry: a lot of numbers are used. Essentially you add or take away nodes from the geometry and it collapses upon itself.

5.38 I add “ We are so used to , in our technologically-orientated world, seeing the ‘straight line’ as the ‘value’: the sharp angle and the straight line.
And therefore we are celebrating that in the, “ it’s the leyline!”
I speak about the curviness/originality/organic innovation of Earth instead….in reference to 3.09
6.20 I see so many people invested in these highly-structured ‘prisons’ again- the ‘straight-line’. And we know that the energy moves is always in wave; that’s a formation, that’s a curved formation.”

6.39 So, breaking of the prison, or dismantling sacred geometry:
numbers are used if you go up to a certain level. Usually there are eight nodes or more, or multiples of numbers between 1-8. When you reach nine, it collapses upon itself.
7.02 So, if you are aware of the geometry and you can perceive it and you just add one node, and it all shrinks and shrivels into nothingness.

And we demonstrate a possible situation IN SITU, using our sound and intention.
11.44 “HU is the blue syllable of creation.” ( I demonstrate one of my overtones to describe how Amir’s decree resonated in my mind. )

12.22 Amir describes how he assigns the negative beings to spiritual prisons…And I am reminded of my work last year. https://rumble.com/v30zsgc-the-dark-ness-is-gone-now-its-your-hearts-and-old-structures.html

12.54 “Alchemy is where we are, in truth…”
13.13 I ask Amir of a memory where he had a completely unexpected moment during one of his healings:

we receive beautiful story…involving Jeshua….

17.40 And then Amir speaks of a story involving Mother Kali….!

20.08 Amir shares the story of what happens when entire covens come to attack him and his work.

20.45 My favourite thing currently is being able to bundle up the negative energy sent my way, and hit it back to the sender…

21.45 “We’ve reached that point, where polite language and reading the rule book doesn’t work. We are dealing with a bunch of Pirates.
And so, if they can chop your head off and steal your energy- that’s exactly what they have been doing….So, it requires a more direct and active approaches to this kind of problem.
And that is happening- rightfully-so.
There is no vengeance or cruelty. There is no satisfaction in the outcome.
It is what it is, and it is absolutely necessary.”

22.12 I speak of the imagination: makes dealing with these murderers palatable, as we activate creativity in dealing with them.

22.54 Always that silver lining, even among the worst of them, that when presented with a genuine and valid offer of ascension, 85% of them, almost, accept. There is so much hope in that. Not all of them are acting out of free will. Many of those wrong-doers are under compulsion, under threat, in debt. they are forced to do what they are doing and they are not happy.
So when they are presented with an opportunity to undo their wrong, learn from it, and evolve, they go for it!
And I see this and you probably do see hit also in the healing work that we do.
And that’s good, because we really boil it down to the worst and the worst and the worst and then they have to go, and rightfully so.
So there is always that joy of seeing the rectification of the problem- in the best way.

25.00 I tell the story of https://rumble.com/v30zsgc-the-dark-ness-is-gone-now-its-your-hearts-and-old-structures.html
“ And these kind of things are beautiful because, the burden of punishment was one of the tools used to condition us and oppress us. So we are not the ‘punishers’, we are the sovereign beings, the light-bringer, the enlighteners.”

25.20 Exactly: when things have got out of balance, it is not a punishment to
bring things back to sacred balance. And if there is a being that is damaged and distorted, and we offer them repair and healing, a path towards not just where they started, but to become better, to continue evolving, that is not cruelty either.
We are not doing this to satisfy, or cover-up a sense of pain that is not resolved or healed in us- there is no vengeance here. It is the prevention of undue harm upon countless of other sentient beings.
These fire elementals, aka demons- they hate that name, most of them, but they live very long lives. Many of them have been around for millions of years. They’ve seen our ancestors rise and fall, and as a result, they might have lost a bit of respect for us.
But, once we re-connect, comes back all that glory that is our birthright, that is built into us, they cannot deny. I agree with you: it is time for this righteous rectification and re-balancing of the conditions of life on Earth- and that is our destiny.
We are going to see the fruits of our labour in this incarnation, and perhaps many of us will choose to come back and continue this work. Many of us have earned our ‘get out of jail-free-card’ aeons ago. We are not here to escape the cycle of reincarnation- no, that’s an elementary level evolution. But, coming back, going through the whole thing, being exposed to the terrible conditions here, and then liberating others with you- that’s a whole other level.
And that’s what we are doing really. And I would imagine that many of those that are listening to this conversation will agree : we are good. In fact, many of us don’t find any attraction or joy in the outside world, we like our own energy and our own company much more- it’s much more beautiful and pristine.
And yet we still engage, on a day to day and with people who are in a condition of amnesia, overwhelmed by burdens that are, quite frankly, unfair. They have no other way, if not for teachers and healers and way-showers.
It is just unfair. So we are here to make things fair.
There is no cruelty in this, there is just beauty.”

28.28 Amir describes a typical session of his healing work.

31.13 Amir mentions what I know about chakra systems…
33.03 And his sharing of the modality of Kuji kiri
34.42 “We need the repetition until we get to the place where we decide that we can switch….”
35.00 We decide to meet again- so look out for a return of Dr Amir Jahangiri

You can contact him for healing here:


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