His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - July 31, 2024 - Captions

4 months ago

In this conversation between Dave Scarlett and Julie Green, they discuss a range of topics including prophecies, political events, and current news stories. They touch on the exposure of three-letter agencies, the potential for war in the Middle East, and the impact of biblical plagues. Julie shares specific prophecies from God regarding the downfall of the banking system and the exposure of corrupt individuals within the government and intelligence agencies. They also discuss the significance of recent events, such as the assassination attempt on President Trump, and the increasing boldness of whistleblowers coming forward with information.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 07-31-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v597l65

Further, Dave and Julie discuss various prophecies and geopolitical events, including Israel's actions in Iran, the potential trigger words for terrorist cells, and the importance of keeping faith in God amidst chaos and uncertainty. They emphasize the need to rely on God for protection and guidance, as well as the significance of remaining focused on God's power in the face of global challenges.

Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe


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And we want to welcome all of His Glory Nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome today's take five. Wednesdays. Love Wednesdays. Wednesdays is a hump day. You know Monday get a little bit motivation coming to the week. Tuesday you start to drag a little bit. Thank you cops. So many more days. Wednesday with Julie. It's hump day and it gets you through through the week. I got a feeling it's going to be pretty intense today. It is. You know again the Lord doesn't usually have me do lies when I'm gone. And he said me get on with prophetic words. He's been having me get on this show. Again, usually if I'm gone doing something with conferences, I don't go live but this is a different time we're living in and so he has me on for a reason and a couple of the prophecies that I actually have up are very very interesting. They're very into the three-letter agencies and what they're doing and it gets more detail and how all this is going to happen and also going to go down and how they are going to be exposed and we already see when Happen with the Secret Service. Yep. But we're going to start seeing more of that start to filter in and start to like that House of Cards we've been talking about lately. All of this is just going to implode. And it's already starting. We're already starting to see the cracks of it. But we're just beginning stages of them falling apart. Well we certainly are. You saw Ted Cruz just go viral on the Secret Service was it two days ago or yesterday? Uh more whistleblowers are coming forward. You have sniper come out and say that there's going to be another assassination Tim time President Trump in the next 30 days and that the top five people in the organization should step down. Uh you got a mutiny on the hands of the regular secret service agents. They're they're irate with the level and most people I talk to now say that there's no doubt in their mind that this was a setup. No no ifs ands or buts. This was not just gross heirs. This was this was a setup. God said that right away and God has been warning about for years about assassination attempt and that's the reason why he gave me a word actually last week and it's called don't let your guard down and we cannot let our guard down not only by praying for President Trump. Well God saved him and that's awesome. Yes he did. But you can't stop praying for him on a daily basis. Or any of his matter. We gotta keep for our country because they are not done with trying to attack this country in any way. So we have to really focus on what God is saying and God is doing and really focus on prayer right now. Yeah prayer's the only thing you're going to see us through and it there is no doubt they're going to they're going to do everything they can to try to bring him down. Even World War three I don't know what you've got on Israel but we were talking briefly before we came on. Israel just you know they took out they went into Lebanon yesterday with a huge strike. The IDF Turkey's arrogant said that if Israel strikes or Lebanon that they will this is a Nato member that they would go after Israel. Uh you had last night Israel I believe it's Israel. I think they took credit for it but you know they did it. Uh they went in and took out at the Hamas leader. Uh one of the highest leaders of Hamas and Iran in the capital of Iran. Um so that's got the world shaking. Many different prophecies that God has given me actually regarding Israel but God is a protector of Israel and he never sleeps nor slumbers. So this is the one thing again you pray for this country but you also pray for the peace of Jerusalem and right now Christians of God to band together with God's that's God's nation. And those are also God's people. And we pray for their protection. And and again they have the iron dome which I know that was a definitely invention by God Almighty himself giving that invention to his people. But we also have to pray the dome of the what we've been saying like we see a dome the iron dome is protecting them from rockets but the blood of Jesus it's like a dome over the Israeli people and over that nation that's what we pray as a team of that protection so there is a lot of different prophecies God has spoken but again God is the one who will end these wars you can see it all throughout the Bible how God has ended all the ones who were against his people and it's not the fact that there won't be any enemies ever going against Israel because there will be. But in the end God will always destroy any of the enemies that go against them. And the same thing goes for our nation. So this is the time to gird up. Get into the word of God. Keep praying and keep standing and again God says keep your guard up because things are about to in our expression things are about to hit the fan. Even even more than what we've seen in the last. I mean the last three the changing of our country. The direction of our country. Look at the Olympics. All these different things that are the people are going against God and the will of God. Things are ramping up in evil way but God's also going to ramp things up in his way too so. Well as you know we were going to have our third summit in Texas next week but based on certain people they said it's too volatile right now. Uh they want to postpone it to mid to end end of September. So they know they don't I don't know if they know exactly what's coming. They have a little bit of a good idea but it's going to be they they anticipate something big is going to happen the next two weeks. I would say pinpoint that around the DNC convention. Yep. Either during it or after it. Because things are not going to go the way they want. I think I mentioned this last week when I gave you all those prophecies that the Lord has given for the last three years. That Kamala is not the replacement. No matter how much they're propping her up right now. It's not going to go the way they want it to go. Uh she will not be the replacement of the Biden and not done getting rid of the Biden. So we're going to see him not only he was removed from the candidacy but now we're going to see him removed from the presidency and then when people aren't accepting Kamala and their narrative is not going the way they want it with Kamala that's when you're going to start seeing things. I have a feeling there might be an up uprising during that convention of the delegates because there are not everybody in the Democratic side is okay with having their voices not be heard and their I mean their vote being taken away. She was not a candidate that people voted for and that they wanted. The first time she ran for presidency back in twenty twenty. She didn't even get one delegate. She is not liked by anybody no matter what the narrative of the mainstream media is right now and God is saying the same thing. He said Biden wasn't going to be the candidate. Then he went on even further in his prophetic words since December of twenty twenty-one that Kamala will not be the candidate. So think about all the things that sparks flying but what's going to happen when neither one of them. Uh so who does that leave them? It's a good question. That's a good question because the the people that it leaves are being exposed and from the natural, you would say, you know, Kamala Harris looks like she's going to be the candidate. Uh Obama's come out and and and and Michelle have come out and supported her but I was told yesterday again by two sources that are pretty spot on. They don't believe she's going to be the candidate. So, it matches what God told you. Mm hmm. It matches what God said. So, what he said based off it was in December of twenty twenty-one over it was the one in January or February twenty twenty-two. He said about to stab her in the back. So, there is because they're not, they don't want her and she's going to realize they don't want her and then you have this civil war going on is what God's been saying. You have an establishment civil war of who really wants them to lead this actual establishment or the Democratic Party or again, this unit party that you see in Washington. There's a civil war of a tug of war of who's going to get and fill that spot. You have some people on the side of Obama. You have some people on the side of like the Clinton's or you know the Biden's or whatever. There is a massive civil war going on and that's why you're going to start seeing more infighting but with that infighting God gave a little bit more of an insight. He keep he keeps saying about exposure. A lot of them have skeletons in their closet. And right now they're at like a standstill. If you do this to me I'm going to do this to you. But that war's going to start where they're going to start exposing each other and that's when it's just an explosion of this evidence that's true that's going to come out and that's when there's the walls are going to start crumbling even more. So we're in for a definitely a great suspenseful part of the movie that we're watching because we're getting to the end credit scene where we're going to see everybody who is involved in it. What you just said is exactly what I was told the last two days that they have so much stuff on each other. Uh I don't know if we talked about the amendment last week but it has now come out public. Yeah it's come out public now that Obama threatened Joe Biden with the 25th amendment to sit down. He forced him. I'm told Obama or Biden has a bombshell on Obama. The Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens. None of them like each other. They're all going for power. So this is going to be a quagmire. And I was also told there may be a bombshell email release and a Twitter release. Both. Two separate things. In the next days up until the DNC. Something big is going to happen with that too. I again this is all what God's been saying. He did say impeachment first with Biden and then he did say the 25th amendment. So they're not done getting rid of Biden because he is going to be a thorn in their side is what God called him. And we're not going to also you know how they have this puppet and they're trying to prop him up. So you notice that they don't really they're not he's not on the scene anymore. It's because of how bad and notice I don't know if this is after we were on together. Or this we talked about last week. Do you notice how he got like six six inches taller? Yeah he did. Um again that is the most impossible thing in the world how the person that you know left with COVID to the person that used the big boy stairs right after he came back which is really funny because he hasn't used those stairs in so long. But he came back taller. Well I I know without a shadow of a doubt that COVID cannot make you six inches taller. And people say oh you can't it's not fair assessment because of Jill's shoes. Well you put him next to Benjamin Netanyahu. They're supposed to be the exact same heights. When you put him next to Benjamin Netanyahu, was he wearing platform shoes? Or how else was he six inches taller than Benjamin Netanyahu? It makes no sense. He was very gangly. The guy was way taller, had way taller legs, had way taller arms. His face this is they're not even doing good with the fakes. Nope. And I think it took so long. That's the reason why he was out of sight for so long is because they had to try to find another one. To fill in from the other one that we know that had either that stroke or heart attack which again watch the movie Dave people. Watch the movie Dave and get excited about it because that's exactly what we're saying right now. There's a also a video around that shows A Biden getting into an Uber. Have you seen that? And somebody would caught him on on film. No. No secret service. Nothing. Just putting his bags in the back of a Uber. They they took a video of him and he's kind of like oh what do I do now? Uh and I didn't see more of that. So I don't know if that's a fake but that wasn't the real Biden that's for sure. Well the real Biden it's you know God says he was judged. So this is very interesting of again how they're going to remove this person but God said that there was an underlying health problem that they did not know about and they weren't going to find out about it till it's too late. So even with this fake one and no matter how many times they I don't know if this is three, if this is four, if this is a fifth one, God only knows how many people they've used. I don't even know any at this point anymore. And it's funny how people thought that was such a conspiracy. It was so outlandish. And all of a sudden oh I see people who are you know not on MSM but people who are you know an an independent journalist and they're all of a sudden even joking around and talking about this replacement of the Biden how he's not the same person and they're really joking around about it. Same thing with Federman. They try to joke off and play off Federman. Federman is not the same person. He doesn't even look at the same person. He doesn't have the same ears. He doesn't have the same face. He may have the same body and you know type sort of and he wears the same type of clothes but you can only hide so much in a person matter what kind of mask you they're wearing, it's not, they're not the exact same but they're definitely more actors that are in Hollywood that are playing these parts or people that have been trained with people in Hollywood. God talked about talk about props and sets and how they were going to start being exposed. So, this is going to be very interesting of what we're going to start seeing more and more play out is things that were appearing to be one way when they're really another. So, this is really time that we're living in right now because the more they try to go after President Trump, the more they try to go after this country is the more we're going to start seeing them being exposed and imploding. Yeah, you you made a great point about the height. I saw people comparing his height to other photos and there's a lot of people that are really good at this. Uh making sure that you know, if somebody says, well, she had platforms or whatever. She had flats or whatever. Uh they are able to calculate based on Videos. Anyway, there there were people that I would never think would would be walking with a story or walking with a story. They're they're waking up but this isn't Joe. It's so not Joe and like again, it this is so amazing because God said it first and when God sits there and says this all these things and people try to just like shoo it away like that's not possible, that can never happen. Our government really wouldn't do that to us. We're realizing that our government will do anything to stay in power. Our government will do anything to hide the truth and it's funny just because just like the other day, out of nowhere, our sixth channel of YouTube was taken and all had was teachings. There was no prophecy. There was no you know nothing that would have offended big tech but it was a fact of again truth tellers and and people saying the truth they don't like this. So when they're under the gun and they're feeling the pressure that they're feeling right now. It is because they don't want the truth because truth is what's really that movement. It's not a Trump movement or a mag movement. This is a a movement of truth. It's a movement of people wanting freedom. It's a true of people wanting their country back and this is something that they've tried to kill the soul of this nation and they can't because the soul of this nation is God and they can't kill what they don't have power over so that's why the more they start pushing into this and I will show you prophecies that God talked more about the FBI more about the CIA and more about this **** nation attempts on President Trump and how they're going to be exposed even more and how who's going to be involved in this and it's it's a big it's a big thing that we're we're going to start seeing unfolding in a major way. Wow. Yeah so you you you it's just not just the United States as you said. Truth is opening up everywhere in the world. Look what's happening in Venezuela. You you literally have a civil war. The people have captured that the opponent to Maduro got 68 percent of the vote. And they they were able to screenshot that. And that's going everywhere. Now you got foreign leaders of countries like Peru are saying you know what? We're not recognizing Maduro as as the head of Venezuela and we're seeing pockets of that in France and Germany, all over the world. God said it was like 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure it was 2022 where he said there was going to be resistance worldwide. Yep. It's not just this country and again that was at least two years ago when he talked about there's going to be resistance worldwide. Because we're not the only country that wants our freedoms back. We're all the only the country that has had our elections stolen and people realizing it. People just pay more attention to our country because of what our country does and now it's that light and beacon to the rest of the world. But they've been doing and nations all over the world and people are fed up and God says the resistance is growing people want their freedoms and they want the people who they truly elected and not some stand in and not some globalist yes man or like we have some actor that's playing a part like in the movie Dave or like you said that movie Wag the Dog. I mean literally this is they're taking it out of a these playbooks and it's real like I said Chris and I we just watched my husband and I just watched JFK last week because the Lord kept referring to this assassination attempt with President Trump like JFK and he started doing that right away. I even had a prophecy regarding Lee Harvey Oswald and him being in the news for a significant reason. Well apparently that shooter where he was studying Lee Harvey Oswald like Lee Harvey Oswald was like an idol to This guy. God was saying that two years ago was talking about this name being brought up in the news and again this has been a story that has been buried for 60 years and all of a sudden now you're seeing it again and you're seeing how this person you're seeing this set up. You're seeing even President Trump tweeted out or truthed out the person that was responsible for his death or his attempt at death obviously was Christopher Ray. So it could have been his death and it would have been done by an inside job and so even Trump knows it. I know everybody in this country knows it. People around the world know it. Uh but he's not afraid to stand up and say it because that's the FBI, the CIA knows we're the ones who involved with JFK. So we're going to start seeing a just a volcanic eruption of truth being poured out because they cannot suppress this because people are not going to just give in to the narrative that people were forced to get in give into with JFK because there's not as much back then as or is now. They try to suppress the truth and that's why there's it's in classified documents. So but now people have cellphones and you can't suppress that information and now you're having like you said you have people in the secret service. You know there's going to have people in the FBI because gosh talked about that. Whistleblowers are going to start coming from out from everywhere because God said these are the days of the whistle blowers. So you're going to start seeing more people start standing up for the truth because they're realizing that what we believed as our country and the foundation of our has been alive for a very long time. Yeah it's it's you said the House of Cards is truly coming down. I mean it's it's it's it's epic right now. I say epic because I know God has it. We're going to see this Red Sea moment. But you see all the things that are going on. You you look at this attack that Israel did against the Hamas chief that they're playing right now killed in Iran. That puts us so close to World War three in the Middle East. People don't understand. We have three ships heading. US ships heading to the Middle East right now. Marines, 5000 marines are one on one of them. This is a ten Boxing. Can you imagine if Turkey gets involved in this? They're a Nato they're they're they're NATO. So it means the United States would be technically under the NATO charter at war with Israel. This is this is insane. God's warned about war. He said they want war. Yeah. They don't want wars for any reason. They want war for distraction and chaos and destruction and diversion. Yeah. So they said one of the things that the Lord said they want war. But the war they get is not the war they want. That's what God said. Yep. So they're thinking they're going to get this civil war in our country. Cuz they wanted a civil war in our country. It would have happened I believe if they actually would have been able to be successful regarding the assassination attempt on our rightful president that would have started a civil war because people would have rose up against the establishment like we have never seen before. But We didn't have to rise up in that way. We didn't have to fight in that way. We didn't have to have a civil war to save our country because God is the one who's intervening. God is the one who's doing it but what we have to do how we war again, God says, we are in a war. It's a war versus good and evil. How we war is worship and resist. So, you see all these things going all around the world. You see things. So, he says W A R, worship and resist and when we do that obedience then W A R the wicked are restricted. Those are our marching orders in the battle that we're in. We're in a war. We have to know that we're in a war. We're in a war spiritually. For a lot of people in in a war physically, they're in a war in our nations. We're in a war of disinformation. We're in a war of everything that you can possibly imagine and this is another thing that I'll get to at some point today is how we're in a war of even technology. Our food system, our banking system, everything we're going to start to see is going to start to dramatically shift and change and God says, one of the things about the food shortages is he said, I had to I had to cause this. I had to stop it because what they were going to do to your food supply was going to cause massive deaths. So, I had allow this food shortage. So, when we think it's for our destruction and we think it's for our like you know it's going to just collapse of society and collapse of everything. God is saying no no no. Remember I am the one that multiplied the loaves and the fishes. I'm the one who multiply the oil. I'm the one who turned water into wine. So he has to start paying attention more to what God is saying and God is doing in this time because the enemies are going to try to divert all the attention on everything that's wrong when God said these things were going to look like they were going wrong when they're actually going in the right direction because of his protection. That's true because I know one of the things they tried to do to the food system would have been devastating. It would have made COVID-19 look like just child's play. And that that it was sported. Thank God. And that biolab was taken out by Putin. So yes they are trying to do that. Technology. You see what's happening with Google. President Trump's fighting back with Google and Facebook. Facebook was hidden hiding the images of President Trump's assassination. Google was not allowing any assassination Trump to show up. They were scrubbing Kamala's history of borders are it's bad. They will not stop it because they can't stop God. No matter how much they try to hide this narrative, again, you're going in that direction. They're going in that direction of their narrative and the more they go in that direction and the more it's going to, in my words, tick people off because people are realizing there looks like that God said there's going to be a mass exodus out of the Democratic Party because people are finally waking up and seeing that they have been upon in this massive game. The establishment do not care about them. They do not care about their voters. All they want is our voters to vote for them. And they want to suppress them. They're even murdering them. They're killing them in a way that people don't even realize but now they're starting to wake up and realize you know what these people don't care about us at all. They destroyed our cities. They're destroying our communities. They're destroying everything that we want and they're just appeasing us just enough so we vote for them. And I've seen More and more people turn away from that side again. It's like the the red you know the side of the red Republican side is perfect and you know there's nothing wrong and you know they're like spotless and you know no it's not. They don't have a halo over their head that the Republicans do not. Uh this is an establishment issue. This is Democrat and Republican not just one sided. Uh but God is saying that he's going to unveil these things and the more he's unveiling these things and more people are going to start driving like just out of droves away from these people and one of the things he said we're going to start seeing biblical type of plagues and it just happened the other day I think it was in was in the sun where they put this out there but I know it's been a different headlines and stuff but this is the sun it said from two days ago watch the terrifying moment biblical plague of dragonfly swarms busy tour speech as Sunday there's dubs in a in a acalypse. God said the apocalypse was going to be in our news for a significant reason but he also said they were going to start using the phrase biblical plagues and that should not be if making us afraid. That should be getting us our attention and focusing on God and what God is saying is actually happening and they're using the exact terminology that God is using in these prophetic words. Yeah, that plague that you're talking about. I just got a text message about that yesterday. It says video shows dragonfly swarm taking over Rhode Island B maybe on the break I can have our team loaded up and just show just this is mind blowing this looks that is biblical this was sent to me by one of his great family members in Massachusetts but this was Rhode Island this weekend wow Yeah, he he's getting our attention. He's not saying these things to make us afraid. He's saying this to us because he's saying, look, I'm saying these things for you to get your attention and focus on me and not what you're saying because you can easily focus on, oh my goodness, there's a biblical plague or oh my goodness, the stock market's going to crash or the food supply is going to be disminished or whatever and people can get their eyes focused on all the wrong things and that's the reason why God is saying, look, I've been saying these to you. I've been warning these things to you. Now is time to get your focus back on me for your victory. That's why God is telling us all these things. It's not for our It is for our restoration and it's for our deliverance. Just like when we were talking about this a couple weeks ago, when the lord was showing us all these things that were going on that he want us to pray about for your ministry and my ministry and and just the body of Christ in general and I told you one of the things that lord said, I didn't show you this for your destruction. I showed you this for you to know how to pray and that's like God that's why God is showing us right now what is going on around the world today in always different nations and with every aspect of our life that's the reason why we have to our eye have to have our eyes focused on him. That's right. He's the only way out of that. Uh I did he Wednesdays are always busy text days. I just got another text from Israel from an Israeli general. Um this is the most intense in his entire career. Pray for Israel. They have never we have to pray for them. Yep. Yeah. That's why we in the army of the Lord we had to be on those front and one of the prophecies that the Lord actually gave me yesterday live on air I I had a prophecy that was already you know out and ready and all of a sudden I get on air and it was just like he just started speaking. It was very authorative and I remember exactly all that he said. I just remember him saying this is the time where his people had to start shouting louder than ever before and speaking his words not just any words. This is the time where we had to start speaking and praying specific targeted prayers because we are in a battle. We are in a war. It is intensifying. It's not going. I'm telling you, at the very end of a war right before a victory, it's the toughest that you'll ever be in. Yeah. It's the toughest part of that battle and for most military men and women who have been fought in military like you yourself, you are obviously marine and you served in our country just like many people who are watching and when you're in a battle, it's usually the worst before it gets before the end of it and so this is where we have to again use our words but use our word against our enemy because I know times like this I mean the text that we've been honoring this last week again have been intense it's been strong sometimes it can be overwhelming but that's where you have to have your focus on God and keep praying and staying and get into the word of God keep praising and worshiping despite anything that you're saying because God's God and God's in control he does have it and he is in control it's going to get it's going to get bumpier. Uh another one is banking I think you said. I was told by three three sources in the last 48 hours that one of the largest US banks is on the precept. It's this close to going and declaring bankruptcy which will take the silver market and the gold market through the roof. Hang on. It's here. So this one I I heard on the twenty-fifth. Now this is just one of them because you know I've talked about the banking industry for very very long time. At least three years that the Lord has talked about how the the House of Cards or their ponzi scheme. Their Babylonian system he caused. The system that's without that without God. The system that they are using to imprison and keep the world enslaved under their control. He says it is being judged and it's coming down. So this is from the 25th and it's called the giants in your land will be driven out. And the part of is the last part of this prophecy. It says Wells Fargo will begin your news for a significant reason. This banking fortress in the House of Cars, this banking world will be exposed and brought down. I will show you how much they have been involved in and it will shock the world the banking system as you know it will forever change. Days of explosive evidence with the banking world will come out and it will begin to shake with no way to say this industry that has controlled the masses. Fortunes will be brought to nothing of the ones have played monopoly on a world scale. My children, my hand is moving against the banking world like never before and the bank vaults will be emptied of the money that did not belong in their hands and then then he goes on and talks about the food supply in another prophetic where he talked about their honeypots. It might even been up farther in this word where he talked about their honeypots would be empty. Oh yeah, I think yeah here I think there it is. Uh these are the days my children were the trails will be exposed in them. Honeypots your enemies stored up will be emptied out. A great shaking with corruption in governments and their agencies worldwide will be brought down. So he has been really really specific. He's talked about Chase Bank. He talked about Wells Fargo Bank. He's talked about what was other ones? He's he's he's talked about many different specific banks. So get ready because it's it's going to start to they're not going to be able to prop this up anymore. No. No. One of the names that you said is the one I was told and they are and people be able to put this together. The largest manipulator of silver, paper silver on the face of the earth. They're playing both sides of the fence and that's what's holding silver down from going to its true value. Uh they're not going to be able to hold it long. The days of that particular. Well Fargo? Not the other one. Chase. Mm. Okay that one too. Yeah. God mentioned that one too. Yep. Yep. Wells Fargo's in trouble. They're all coming down. Oh yeah. God's mentioned them too. So this is the this is what's going to start really unfolding all this and I think the what happened with this House of Cars coming down is because of what they did against President Trump because it was that death shot and kill shot to this country. It's supposed to be the death to President Trump but it was supposed to kill this nation. Yeah. And he gave that prophetic word and I gave it to you last week because this is something that he said 2 years ago or is he last year sometime? But this is from the twenty-fifth also I gave it out on the twenty-ninth. It says a major cover up, a plot to kill your rightful president will be clearer than it already is. More people with within the establishment will start to turn on ones they used to side with. No amount of destroying evidence or wiping their fingerprints from their crime scene will be enough to save themselves this time. A major piece of evidence will come out of nowhere it will appear like. A whistleblower is coming to blow the doors wide open on this investigation of the attempted murder of my son. Your enemies are about to wish they ever tried to kill him. Things are heating up to a point against your enemies in the establishment, they cannot pull all their power to try to hide their crimes and corruption anymore. There is just too much coming out and too many people turning and too many people they cannot trust like before. Your enemies are realizing they can't silence everyone. Their old tactics of war covering up their crimes will not work this time. The more they try their old ways, they will find them Exposed even more. Your enemies are coming down in a way you don't see it yet or can imagine. Keep believing that I am bigger than the establishment and watch me prove it. Say it the Lord of hosts. So that is just one part of it before I go on to the other part about the CIA because I will go to another section of a prophecy that he gave the day before that regarding the FBI and how really how big this is and broad this is and how the CIA has a lot to to deal with they've controlled a lot of people in the White House so that means they've been controlling presidents and laws and they've been controlling things that have been going with with different foreign countries for a very long time. It hasn't actually been the president a lot of the times where people think it is. It's actually this three-letter agency and the establishment. Uh so in the in the CIA, how they're involved is they have so much blackmail and all the videos and all of this stuff that they are using against people in the government they think that they are safe with all the evidence they have buried. Well ironically enough that when was that prophetic word about the fingerprints? Oh that on the first one about the fingerprints was right before the assassination attend on President Trump that was seven seven and this one was from the twenty-fifth. So I was just told yesterday that there are literal fingerprints they have. Literal. Yes. Yep. Well God said fingerprints and at least three prophecies so he literally meant they have fingerprints on every crime scene. And they they are not going to be able to hide it or bury the evidence. So yes so he he talked about a major crime scene right before that assassination attempt. And he said their fingerprints are everywhere. And then he mentions it again on the twenty-fifth. And I'm going to give you out this part about the CIA because he says their walls are coming down for what they're doing because they're trying to control again they are a big part of the establishment than people you see like Nancy Pelosi or the Clinton's or the Obama's or the Biden's because they're the ones who actually had the blackmail on all these people. That's right. That's why Chuck Schumer made that quote that if you go out against this three three letter organizations he was referring to Trump when President Trump just came into office. He said they have eight ways from Sunday to get back at you. That was a threat. And he's right. They do. Chuck should know. Yeah. Because they have him through Nexum. Ooh Chuck Schumer's days are. Yeah they do. Yep. But God and he says he's infiltrated the infiltrators. So he's got people in the CIA. He has people in the FBI. He has people in the NSA. He has people in the Seger Service. He's had people in the White House. He's had people in the Supreme Court. He's had people everywhere. And the enemies had no idea and they know who it is. Now you know you know they watch certain things like this. You know they they watch the prophets right now to see what God's saying. Oh yeah. They may know these things and they may start to you know like okay who's it starts finger pointing? They will never find out who these people are. So wisdom blowers can be more bold if they want to. Trust me because God will protect you. Because God said that once they come out and figure out who it is. It's too late. Yep. God is protecting these people from the enemies trying to do anything to destroy them. Well, just in the last 4 years, a couple years that you've been on, we talked about whistle blowers. Uh I've known whistle blowers for four years now and they're always a small portion. Now, they're coming out in just landslide of whistleblowers. They're they're getting bold and there's for everyone that you target, there's there's fifty more of em coming. So, that's good. God said, these are the days of the whistle blowers. He's, I think he said that and like the end of twenty-one, maybe twenty twenty-2. I think it was twenty twenty-two. I'm I'm almost positive. Um he's about the days of the whistleblowers for a while and he's talked about many different whistleblowers and he's talked about whistleblowers in the FBI, whistle blowers in the CIA. Um I'm pretty sure he said something about the the secret service as well. I have to go back and look over that prophetic word because remember, I heard that prophetic word a week ago Saturday and then it was that Monday or that Tuesday because I think I gave it out on Monday and that Tuesday Sheetle stepped down and she wasn't look like she was going anywhere and she's refusing but God said the establishment can't save you and he even said that Mayorkas and he said about Christopher Ray and I'm going to give you the prophecy where he also talks about that with William Burns which he's also called out William Burns for the last couple years which is a CIA director and he said the director of any of the three-letter agencies they are not safe from the exposures that they're about to be exposed from and the truth because God is the one who's going to do it and they either can't be saved from him. Well, they better buckle up. I I think we mentioned this last week, Mayorkas, I was told Mayorkis is one of the centerpieces of this attempt on President Trump. Yeah, because we talked about that was a confirmation of what the Lord had given about Mayorkas again. He's mentioned Mayorkis more than once. It was several years ago. I think it was like last year, year before that. It was a long time ago where he mentioned Mayorkis the first time and then he mentions it again right under Sheedle. So, it was Kimberly Shiedle then Majorcas and then Christopher Rain. I have a feeling there's a reason that order and then he mentions William Burns or Bill Burns in this one with the CIA. So, again, it doesn't matter how high you are in order and where you are in the establishment and how much evidence you have or how much proof that you have to to save yourself. There is something that they're not looking for to save themselves and that's from God. That's right and there's division coming just this week on stuff like that and bizarre that Christopher Ray came out and said, we're not even sure if President Trump if it was Shrattenal or his glass then they asked the FBI again was it always oh the secret service director now he said no it it was always a shot so why would he do that why would he do that he completely got and some believe a contempt of of congress lying under oath it just doesn't make any sense diversion diversion changing the narrative and trying to get people confused and it didn't work nope fingerprints fingerprints shell casings, the shell casings, and literal fingerprints are going to come back to haunt them is what I'm told. That's why they were spraying things down and grabbing things but it was captured. The truth is coming. Alright, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back after this. Alright, we're back Wednesdays with Julie Green. We're going to show you a snippet of the video that we were talking about. This is in Rhode Island. So, we'll we'll we'll we'll key that up. Oh my God. I'm scared Why did he come today? My earplugs in. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Oh my God. This is crazy. Over the weekend. Um it truly is biblical. I think I just sent that just late last night too. God said biblical plagues and it would be in the news and he's getting people's attention and I'm I'm I'm going to have to start going into it and praying about it and asking him why specifically Rhode Island because when it's in a specific locations it's for a reason. I don't think that that was just by chance it hit Rhode Island the way it hit it. So there's just I mean there's a reason why God does things and pay attention. God said biblical plagues plagues were coming and they are. And dragonflies. I've never seen a swarm of dragonflies before. Uh no. I have never in my life seen anything like it. That's why I think it's so unprecedented. What God always keeps saying is that word he keeps using. The word unprecedented. And that's what we're seeing in every single thing that we're looking at. Every single thing is unprecedented. Every single thing is like unheard of. Never seen before. It's absolutely wild. Uh what we are seeing. But again that's what God's saying. Look I got this. And even though you may see these things. Do not be afraid of these things. Because this is what happened right before the children of Israel exited or they they exited out of Egypt. There was crazy and biblical things that took place. So that's what we're seeing right now so we all should get excited about it. Yep so now on queue the CA the CNN's and Fox News of the world. Fake news is back. People are saying the fake news really changed their stripes finally coming out against Joe Biden. Here we see Fox News come out with a fake poll showing that Kamala is even with President Trump. CNN's now saying that Kamala is bringing energy to the the campaign and look at what happened in Atlanta yesterday with all the people. Well, she brought in a rapper. The rapper came in and that's why there was many people and soon as she starts speaking, people left in droves. There was probably maybe 100 people left after the end of her speech but they're they're they're trying to sell this to the American people and the American people are just not buying it. They're not buying their narrative. God said they were not going to buy their narrative. God said they were not going to fall for and again you gotta think about this for a minute. This was us. And the Republican Party which they tried to do I think with Nikki Haley. That's the reason why she didn't get out for the longest time because remember they had all these indictments. They were going to throw him in prison. And then of course you look like what they just did a couple weeks ago. They tried to assassinate him. They tried to remove our candidate from us. And from our freedom of what we had to vote for. And we have a right to vote for him. And no matter what they like it or not. That's why we are a Republic We have a right to have our voices heard and vote in the person we want. And so they are thinking that we're the ones that don't want democracy. They're the ones who's actually made it coo against their their standing you know resident in chief in the White House and they took the voting rights of a Democrat and I would be mad if I was a Democrat right now because noone she pulled worse than oh let's say oh Biden because it pretty much is. But she pulled worse than Biden for the entire time of his or residency. So I mean them trying to fool us as the most ridiculous thing in me. Again if I was a Democrat I'd be enraged right now that who I voted for was being taken away whether it was rifle or not. Well I just saw a report today confirming what I was told before. Um we talked about stolen elections. 2008 primaries was stolen from Hillary Clinton. Obama stole that. Uh Obama stole two thousand twelve. Mitt Romney won the presidency I I saw that were these Bernie Sanders supporters that the Bernie got hijacked as well too with with Hillary Clinton he he was the one that should have got it but I think people are waking up the Seth Riches of the world woke up Mickey Willis was a Bernie Sanders guy until he saw the truth as well he many people are seeing that the the whole thing's rigged it's rigged it's been rigged for so long. I didn't realize about the Hillary Clinton one. I knew that they they stole it from Bernie to give it to Hillary. But I didn't realize that it was stolen from Hillary for Obama. I mean again these people are they don't care about stabbing them each other in the back left and right. None of them trust each other. You know that. That's why we're at that time where this very pivotal moment when their narrative is not going to work. It's like it wasn't working for hiding the Biden anymore. Uh they're not going to be hiding Kamala anymore either because people don't like her. She's not likable. She's not trustworthy. I mean even what a Democrat said when they were they were actually asked this question and they said what about Kamala Harris and she said well she's not very trustworthy if she knew that there was a a mental problem with Biden and she also helped cover it up. So people are figuring out. That's from a Democrat. Yeah as we said earlier the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens. All A they do not like each other. And and B probably more important than not like each other. All have dirt on one another. So this is a perfect recipe for disaster and division coming in the next days up to the DNC people that think that Kamala Harris has just got it and everything they're going to ride off into the sunset ah no this isn't over No but when they realize that it it is not over and they realize that people aren't not going to buy that narrative and that's the reason when they're going to start trying more and more things. Uh the more desperate they become the more dangerous they become. Yep. And so we can't stop praying for our country or for our rightful president because it sounds undone and if they can't get to him we have to pray for their family because they will try to get to his family. Um they're just they're not going to stop because they're going to try to get to anybody who he loves and that includes the American people besides his family. So it's just it's not over. Uh even though we like it to be over and there's been so there's been so many good things that have happened and I'm not going to ever discredit any of that stuff because God's moving. But God's saying even though he's moving right now we have to be focused on him because there's going to be a lot more movement that's unprecedented and that's unconventional and it might scare people. Oh yeah because they still have the plague card and World War three card play and they'll they'll they'll play them. There is no way that they're going to go peacefully and hand over the reigns to President Trump. There is absolutely no way. I have the prophecies that the Lord's talked about that. So this one on the twenty-fifth I'll go back to that because it's about the CIA. I know we talked a little bit about it. Uh but they're not going to go peacefully. And God has warned that that they're not going to go out without a fight and he does say this and one of the prophecies that I actually do have pulled up. But he says this is from the twenty-fifth still. All the laws of the CIA are about to fall, my children and the land of my eagle, I want to remind you of many words. I have given you regarding this agency. They've had more control than most ever thought they could have. They're the ones with the videos, the setups, and the traps, the blackmail, and their fingerprints are on more crime scenes through the nation's history than anyone ever thought they could have control. This agency has controlled many leaders in the White House and they have made laws and decisions between foreign nations. Oh yes, the money will expose what this agency has done and how deep this really goes. My children be prepared as its agencies uncovered and more truth revealed, they will not go without a fight. I have people inside the CIA that are about to get the green light to tear it wide open and expose everything that they've been part of. This has been a long time coming for the world to see what these agencies have done against my nation along with their part in what happens to other nations in the world. So much blood dripping from the agencies and the establishment they try to control. They try to hide and blame someone else for their wrong doings and for their own crimes. My children, their deep, dark secrets have been buried for so long. All these things hidden on their servers. He mentions the servers again. I have told you about is about to tear their narratives. Their control over this nation to nothing. And when this is revealed, they will try devastating events to try to place to stop the army that is marching toward them to take back control of this nation and that is you my children you have more power and more authority so use it more than ever before and he says prepare for this battle and this war you see before you the giants in your land will be driven out in a significant way with my hand so trust me and not what you are about to see say it the lord of hosts amazing the server the the gentleman that show you the server while you were here. I I spoke to him not yesterday, the day before and he says the whole house of cards is coming down on that. We see Brennan. More information about Project Folsom is is come out that's tied to that and more and Project Hammer, the servers. Um I I can't remember the news source that brought up Folsom this week but Folsom was in the news again and while you were talking about that, I I got a text from our general. He said dragonfly's feed mosquitoes. How do you get rid of toxic mosquitoes created by the cabal? God is great. Oh my goodness. God is really good. Uh so yeah they're they're doing so many things against us and I know that God has given so many people what is going to happen and so they are actually doing things to counteract what the enemies are doing against us. So God is God is truly amazing and I I love hearing that and hearing confirmation. Um God is working and he knew he knew what the enemies were going to do before they even know they were going to do it. And so he had people on God's side working on the counterpart of what to do to stop the enemies from getting what they want but again, I want to go back to the food supply part too because in the same word, we talk about the banking system. He even talks about I don't know if you've heard much about MI six but he mentioned them as well. Um so I won't mention that before I go to the the food supply because I did have this highlighted. MI six will be in your news. A whistle blower is coming to show how this agency has worked with others in this nation to cover up many crimes in many nations. Each country was a part of. Uh so MI six which is in the United Kingdom or the England. Uh they have a part in a lot of things that I played up in this country apparently and then what's been going on in other countries. So I don't know. I'll I'll stop there before I got on anything else if you've heard anything regarding them. Yeah it's just what I said. MI six is tied to Project Folsom. Uh Brennan the Obama bringing down President Trump. This was a memo that went to from to Boris Yelston or Boris Johnson. I can't remember from but MIsix was behind that. It's part of the five eyes. Uh we outsourced through Brennan outsourced through our our five eyes to spy on President Trump before he was a a president and then when he became president as part of hammer hammer Folsom are different but same thing spying. But that's what Project Folsom is Folsom I I don't know if we talked about that one we probably have yeah Folsom it's part of the 17 scandals yeah number nine Project Folsom and then Project Hammer yeah they're all everyone of these 17 so if he's mentioned he's mentioned MI six before. He just hasn't mentioned them in a while so I was kind of surprised that he mentioned them again. Uh but usually the more he mentions something. And the more he mentions either certain agency or certain group you you know that things are just about to start to come wide open. Uh so him mentioning and then he says right after that paragraph about the CIA and about MI6 he says these are the days to expose the agencies. So not just one agency but all of them is what he's saying. So, I don't care what country they're in. These are the days exposed agencies that have been a part of cover ups and crimes all over the world. Massive money laundering schemes will be the death to many secrets they have tried to keep these agencies working to cover their secrets and to cover their tracks and then he goes, these are the days my children where many money trails will be exposed and the honey pots or enemies stored up will be emptied out. A great shaking of corruption with corruption and and these agencies worldwide will be brought down. So he's talking about again the destruction of all these agencies that again were supposed to be protecting our countries when actually then they've started using them as a weapon against us. And that is what it we call the deep state. That is many people heard the term deep state don't really comprehend what it means. That means these unelected people in these three letter organizations no matter who is in power. The president is never the the the chief power. Uh the puppet puppet masters behind it. Those three letter deep state that make all the policy moves and keep their power in play. That's who it is. And God is exposing the deep state right before our very eyes. He exposing Venezuela. You talk about Honeypot. Uh this morning they found at least one I'm not sure if there was two. One huge warehouse in Venezuela of just a huge amounts of foods and medicine that Maduro was hiding from his people so that they would be relying on Maduro to provide for them but they had they had the food. They had the medicine. It was in a secret warehouse where the people revolting right now in Venezuela busted in and found it. There's a video of that out right now. I'm sure there's a lot of things that are about to be busted wide open and come to our country. What that what they've been hiding from us and doing to us. We think it's Venezuela. That's like a minuscule. It's like a drop in a bucket compared to what our country's done to us. Uh so we're start finding out more of that. Again, that that I didn't know about that. I I knew that there was something that was going on in Venezuela. Uh there was a revolt but I didn't know what caused that revolt again because I can't watch certain things especially if it doesn't go. If I don't know for sure if it is prophecy, people said it to me because regarding prophecy, I only see headlines. So, I knew that there was headlines of revolt and then I know Natasha, my assistant who puts all these things together of headlines for me for prophecies fulfilled put that on here this morning but we didn't have enough time to go over everything. So I didn't know exactly know why they were revolting in Venezuela. I just knew that they were. Stolen election using the they used the same they used to use the same software hardware that we do. Um but it was a stolen election that the the I can't remember the guys. Uh Gonzales I think it is. He he won like 76% of the vote. That's why people were outraged because it was a landslide. Other concern that came up again today is something we've been talking about with this attack on Israel on this Hamas leader Iran is going to get involved and usually what they get involved is through their proxies there are 4040 cell 40 cells inside the top 40 US cities of Iranian proxies whether Hezebel Hamas combination of both and then there was a report today about Venezuelan federal prisoners were released into the United States and told to shoot to kill police officers here in the United States. So that's what would be a scenario of a nine oh one eleven type event with these people coming in through the southern border. They took Venezuelan the worst criminals. Gang members. Gave them weapons and put them across the southern border and then gave them just a shoot the police officers in the United States. That was the report I saw this morning. I will have to find out the prophecy where God even talks about that they're about to say. I think it's this one I'm actually going to read to you right now. There's going to a keyword or a phrase that is spoken from either Biden or somebody in our government just like the whole bull's eye thing and just like the whole Trump's not going to see where you know he's not going to see what's coming against him this there's going to be a phrase like that. It's going to be like a keyword or a a green light word that our government's going to say in order to destroy in order to start these terrorist cells and waking them up and saying okay today is the day start this start these attacks over all the country. So again this is the reason why we have to really have our guards up. Um because they're going to start doing something. Again it's not in some new fear. I'm not saying this is a fear to get fear into people. I'm saying this is a reality. We have terrorists. We have them in our country. We have millions and millions upon millions of them. And they're waiting for these this keyword. They're waiting for this phrase and we are about to see that keyword and phrase come out. Now I don't know exactly what it is. God didn't say the keyword. He just said they're going to start saying something repeatedly that is going to be very obvious of this was their green light. So let me see if I can find that in this one. Um I it was a morning just had given me recently. Oh here's another one to talk about fingerprints. I might even have to just read this whole entire thing because it's so it's so massive of what we're saying right now going on. So I know as I said, I I gotta find it. It's it's it's in one of these that I just have given out. So, so here's this one. This is from the twenty-fourth and it says, am I, you know what? The one that I'm talking about, I don't even know if I've even given that one, that one out yet because I'm here in Texas and I think I was going to give this one out the other day and yesterday and I didn't give this one out. So, let me see if I can find it here. Um Yeah, here it is. Here it is. This is from the 21st of July. This is from a great eruption is taking place in your capital, oh United States. I have not actually given this

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