How to make SWEET PICKLED BEETS Home Canned "by the book canning" approved and SAFE METHOD.

1 month ago

Ep. 107 How to make home can SWEET PICKLED BEETS. Hot WATER BATH CANNING
We planted them, grew them, harvested them, now we're pickling them!
I am a paranoid canner so I do this "by the book". No short cuts or rebel canning here sorry. We love home made sweet pickled beets. We eat them all year long and give them to folks as gifts (if there's any left). Safe canning approved tested method and recipe.
**My suggestion is to use Cider Vinegar instead of White vinegar. We do this now and it has a better taste in my opinion.
#howtomakepickledbeets #howtocanbeets #pickledbeetrecipe

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