The Hottest Ever Summer That Wasn't

6 hours ago

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (, beginning with the curious juxtaposition of claims that 2024 had the hottest summer ever with the cool summers people were actually having in real places including the UK (coolest since 2015), moving on to two different stories saying the Thwaites "Doomsday" glacier might not be doomed but is that were, oddly, the exact same story, the New York Times mourning the end of summer after telling us it was unendurably hot, more proof of the Medieval Warm Period as far away as Fiji, confusing natural with human GHG emissions, the alarmists coming for your fridge, a supposed surge of enthusiasm for "next-gen geothermal", and wrapping up with another of our #CheerfulCharts, this one showing rising miles driven in the US but falling carbon monoxide emissions, the terrible hurricane season that went missing, and news that barley also loves CO2.

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