You Gotta Earn the Right to Go With Your Gut!

4 months ago

Ours is such a touchy-feely culture... most of us are completely led by our emotions. Our culture doesn't teach us to make decisions with our rational minds. Instead it tells us 'if it feels good, do it!' 'Go with your gut!' 'Follow your heart!!'

That kind of thinking has seeped into our Christian culture. I see these Christian memes that basically say 'go with your gut' except they use the word 'spirit'... Like this one: 'If you feel a check in your spirit, trust that feeling!'

Afterall, we're supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit, right?!

Problem is, there's a HUGE difference between the HOLY Spirit and YOUR spirit. It can be very difficult to tell the difference. If you're still living for yourself, like the rest of the world, then your spirit is not in sync with the Holy Spirit... and you're gonna get yourself all screwed up if you make your decisions based on your spirit. You'll be totally out of the will of God!

It takes much time in prayer, in the Bible, working on yourself to submit and surrender your life to God before you learn the difference between YOUR spirit and the Holy Spirit. There are no shortcuts! The SURRENDER part is the most important. The more you surrender your will and goals to God's will, the more the Holy Spirit transforms your will to His. Then, and only then, can you trust your spirit to be aligned with God's will.


#followinggod #followinggodsplan #knowinggod #followjesus #holyspirit

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