Ep 4761: Americans Are Being Starved to Death- Starvation Nation | Doug Hagmann & Steve Quayle | October 17, 2024
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It's okay about the video problem, Eric. We love you anyone, brother. You're a one man show doing multiple jobs. GOD BLESS YOU, MY BROTHER. ( After all, you have to deal with Doug's tantrums ) 😆.. Just kidding, Doug. I know you can take a joke. 👍
"video problem" TRANSLATION - When the producer finally notices at the end of the program that one of the hosts/guests had a booger hanging from their nose for the whole show!
As a senior citizen I ask for someone to take my groceries to the car for me and that way I am not unloading them by myself. I shop at a local independent grocery store and usually only shop every couple of weeks. I don't expect any trouble here but you never know so be aware of who is around you. I also park close to the entrance and shop during the daytime not after dark. It seems like common sense. You don't want to go to a store if stores get bare and people panic. That is the time to stay home so do whatever you can now even if you cannot do everything you would like to do. God will honor your efforts is what I believe. Israel took out the Hamas leader Sinwar today on the first day of Sukkot. This is a major victory which should very much weaken the remaining Hamas terrorists. I am praying that any remaining hostages will be released on or before Simchat Torah which is the Holy Day that the atrocities occurred on Oct. 7th over a year ago. That would certainly be a blessing. These terrorists are all a threat to America and I am thankful to see many of them no longer alive. Put some motion sensor alarms on your driveways, garages and porches to alert you when someone is on your property. Keep your doors locked on your cars and home as someone can easily walk in while you are inside the house. Bret Baier did a really good job of interviewing Kamala. He said that there were four of her team in the room during the interview throwing their arms in the air trying to get her to stop the interview because she was doing so badly. I think that is why the interview was only 25 minutes rather than 60. This is the strangest and most dishonest campaign ever.
Please discuss the method of analysis by which you determined that the October 7th attacks were not an Israeli/CIA/Mossad false flag.....
The truth? It's complicated. While most Americans understand that in American politics there are different parties, special interests, and factions working toward their own goals they seem to be completely blind to the fact the same thing applies to other countries, especially Israel. Mossad and Shin Bet have been largely run by left wing commie sympathizers just like the CIA is now. Israel has a deep state too. Mossad, Shin Bet and a lot of Israel's high ranking generals have had a mindset of appeasement toward the "Palestinians" for decades. In fact the Gaza disengagement about 20 years ago under Airel Sharon is a good example. Sharon pulled the military out of Gaza and allowed the "Palestinians" and them to rule themselves. They elected Hamas, a terrorist organization, to govern them. Then Hamas started firing rockets into Israel. It has been easier for the left in Israel to ignore that their policies were failures and fantasy land thinking than to change them. This largely blinded those in power to intelligence that contradicted this world view. On October 7 they refused to inform Netanyahu and his government, right wing conservative, Israel was being attacked until it was too late. In my opinion it could have been simple disbelief, it could be that they hated Netanyahu so much they wanted to make him look bad by allowing a terror attack to occur on his watch. Maybe a mixture of both. Either way it was the far left in power in those agencies who failed to comprehend the seriousness of the situation. The left in Israel had been protesting in the streets for over a year, much like they did in America under Trump. They threatened to not show up for military duty for months before Oct 7. This telegraphed to Hamas leadership that Israel was weak. Obama and other 'usual suspects' like Soros have been sending organizers and political operatives to interfere in Israeli politics, creating AstroTurf protests, just like in America, since Obama was President.
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It's on record that Netanyahu and gubbymint had the Hamas battle plan one year before the event. Eyptian intelligence warned Netanyahu and Government that an attack was imminent as least a week before it happened. They stood down for 7 hours so they would have the golden opportunity to wipe Hamas for once and all time. What do they say, never let a good crisis go to waste. The real victims are the Jewish citizens as per usual. Netanyahu also used the Citizens of Israel as lab rats of Pfizer. He promised to give all the data to Pfizer. and he admitted all this on video so there is no denying it. Finally, he caused the biggest public protests that country has ever seen after threatening to overhaul their judicial system
I agree with your post. Thank you for sharing such good advice for us seniors. I can have cameras but not sensors in the yard or driveway as I live in a rural area - lots of little critters. Yes. I thought Bret Baier did an excellent job.
Need to edit my above post. I can not have cameras or sensors.
I do. You get a few false alarms but you get used to it. If you have a long driveway put up a multi sensor system and you can tell that someone is driving down the driveway. Something like this works good. They usually have different chime for each sensor. You eventually learn that so and so sound means something is by such and such tree. Then you start to know that a deer walks across your driveway about 10pm every night or the chickens must be over at so and so and ignore it but if All 4 go off in order someone is coming. 4pm? Must be UPS. It makes you alert about what is going on. Not what I have but probably about the same: https://www.amazon.com/Driveway-Wireless-Resistant-Detector-DIY-Alert-Monitor/dp/B08PFBF1Q7/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?cv_ct_cx=driveway%2Balarm&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=1-1-6024b2a3-78e4-4fed-8fed-e1613be3bcce-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM
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I hope people wake up and listen to you guys trying to get the truth out
Greetings from Mobile County Alabama 🪖
I went into a super walmart today in a smaller midwest town, it was fully packed with food, tons of Campbell's soups (aisles stacked) and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, winter household items like space heaters, comforters, tons of tools etc. Are they starting with larger cities and working way down to smaller towns? The sell by/ best buy dates are 2026 n 2027. Are you saying every Walmart will be slim pickins from here on out?
I'm in a small town and our local Walmart is stocked too! Everytime he talks about food not there and my eyes are packed shelves
That's true, about the underground highways. I used to be a trucker and while I never drove this highway I have spoken to drivers who have and have taken trailers of goods to underground warehouses, example, the caves in Blue Springs, MO.
💥Instead of buying toys, etc for Christmas, buy them a cookbook and pantry items!
hi doug and Steve great show as always I don't understand why the people that drive these lorries that take the food to these underground bunkers for the parasite globalists don't all refuse to do it any more they must know why they are doing it and who for you would think they would be thinking of themselves and their families that they are going to be starved along with everyone else they need to start refusing to deliver to them
Their god is $
People have a price!!! Look at border patrol, their job is to PROTECT the border but they r helping the invasion and HELPING them! If they quit they couldn't help! But they want that paycheck, not caring what they r helping to destroy the country they live in
Hi guys. Watching this a day late. Wanted to share that my neighbor saw with her own eyes a van of migrants being dropped off right here in our small rural Missouri town. 430 am they got dropped off by a van and just walked into our wooded property. We are nervous here. This isn’t hearsay. Eyes were on these guys. Fighting age men that are white, black and Hispanic.
Important to note we are 10 miles outside of town. We are in the rural area. We have farms.
Is there a way to let John (he’s in Sullivan) know about this? I wonder if he is seeing same thing. A friend of a friend said they saw migrants being dropped off by bus in downtown Rolla … that I can’t confirm but it sounds reasonable. It was reported the day before my neighbor had eyes on these guys in our back woods.
Get loud and speak up! Springfield oh waited to long to speak! Watched a video in Springfield showing illegals driving brand new 110,000 vehicles! I know they r ILLEGALS (not migrants) they have no plates on the cars
This evening at Trader Joe's (OKC) I saw some (not all) bare frozen foods compartmnets of ready to eat foods. I thought it odd until listening to you guys. Also dry goods appeared on the lite side.
Safeway freezers Fort Bragg ca... inventories are very low too on 10-17-24.
1 of the 3 grocery stores here in small town had 0 zero products in refrigeration & in the process of emptying of frozen foods. I asked what was going on, he said the compressor went out. Curious does the freezer section that takes up 2 isles use the same compressor as refrigerated food that is against the back wall??? Asking for a friend.
anybody seeing the trucks empty the shelves or works where its being done you need to sound the alarm.. call your mayors report it .. rely on local authority first.. keep out the non citiznry as long as possible..
I recently saw a post regarding Tampon Tim giving an underaged boy oral sex. This boy is now an adult and has just recently spoken out about it. Is this true? If it is, why aren't people screaming out about it? EVERYONE should be made aware if it is so. Also, I just listened to the sworn testimony by a woman named, Maria Zack. I just happened upon a podcast/video called, The Santilla Report. The guy said this information was an "oldie by goodie". It proved that the 2020 Presidential Election was STOLEN!!! Please, Doug, check these out and let us know what you think. Thanks. One more thing ~ The Biden-Harris Administration announced today (October 18, 2024) that they are giving another $4.5 BILLION for student loan forgiveness. I wonder how the people of Florida, Georgia and Appalachia feel about that news!
There’s no $ given at all for loan forgiveness, let alone another 4.5 billion. I wish lol
At what point is it righteous to make these tyrants disappear? If Hitler could've been disapeared, how many lives would've been saved ? Is it bad enough yet?
Romans 13:1-2 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
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Have you given your life to Christ Jesus?
Do you even believe in God?
Then why say anything at all? Some day you will die, and you will be judged by the words and the deeds that come from out of you. May God have mercy on you.
BJBoy love SQ... this is his way of dealing with rejection.
BJLady's wisdom pours out on all again. Go back to your porn closet, pedo
Yes BJMoron, this is exactly what I have been asking you to do for a year now.. Do everyone here a favor and make today the day.
Thank you for sharing your meal plan for the day BJMoron. This is exactly what you eat
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We all know what you believe. You like small boys, eating shit and yelling at people to deal with your sad existence, small wiener and sodomized anus.
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Yes BJGenius.. you are exactly that.
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Moses' mother did NOT COMPLY! And the result was freedom for millions and the Promised Land fulfilled in his lifetime! Mary and Joseph did NOT COMPLY with the king's evil edict but listened to the angel's warning and fled TO Egypt until they were told it was "safe" to return! The Disciples and Apostles did NOT COMPLY and were jailed, stoned, imprisoned, killed for spreading the Gospel of Salvation through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, John Bunyan, Calvin, John and Charles Wesley, and so many more believers were persecuted and killed for their faith because they WOULD NOT COMPLY with evil orders! The test is: God TRUMPS earthly rulers! His Rules Rule! Beyond Christianity, however, America itself would NOT exist if the early pilgrims, settlers and pioneers had "complied." Jesus said it best: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" (Matthew 12:17; 22:21; Luke 20:24-30).
The comment I was responding to was saying that they make people "disappear". Do you know what that means? It is not a matter of complying. David didn't kill Saul because he was God's chosen king. God is in control. Have you no faith? You want to kill people? Good luck with that "pastor ruth". Should women even be pastors? The church institution is broken, it has lost it's power, and it appears to be putting it's faith in a man and into politics. Come out of her my people unless you be partakers of her sin.
Wake up, sheeple boy, Hitler was financed by the Bushes, and the Rothschilds. YOUR deep state punks were financing both sides, just like they are financing both Trump & Harris, wake up.
@BJBEEBERS, Asking everybody, in the comment section, if THEY want to be YOUR pivot man, as YOU hold YOUR daily circle jerks, as YOU play with yoself, all night long, in yo momma's basement, is no way, to treat YOUR "Butt Boys", from Grinder.
@BJBEEBERS, Alright Karen, ANYTHING, YOU say, do YOU think, anybody, will EVER read YOUR comments, and take YOU seriously, after YOU told me, and I quote, "then you must be a real dick", YOU are just a foul mouth, low IQ, Libtard, trailer trash jerk, who ALWAY'S complains about NEVER getting ANY dick, sounds like a personal problem after all
Tricky Kama or Trumpy Treats? Interviews By Lex Fridmon of; RFK, Tulsi, Elon, Vivek, and Trump provide good complete evaluations of plans for US 🇺🇸. Post in blue chat rooms on Youtube. PLEASE VOTE RED.
I’m confused. Steve said there were kings in ancient times who ruled for 64,000 years. Okay. Who did they rule over? Was it a race of men who were not made in God’s image? Were they ruling g over angels and beasts? Are we part of creation 2.0? These are honest questions.
Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28 tell briefly of a time when satan the annointed cherub as the king of Tyre ruled corruptly over the other kings of the earth before man. Genesis 1: 1 to vs 2 in the Hebrew says earth BECAME VOID by a purposed event. The Samarian tablets table of kings before man are also what Steve is referencing. Since scriptures still refer to satan as the annointed Cherib, it was most likely BEFORE his fall from heaven. So yes satan and the angels ruled over earth and probably the other planets as planet Rahab is also mentioned in scriptures as a planet destroyed by the weapon in God's arm.
you know when evil ppl are stocking their bunkers..its called recall items.. its huge undr democrat presidents.. hardly any under republican presidents.
rumble now warning about posts?
I'm not getting what I used to from Steve Quayle. The most serious issue today is the middle east and nothing about that. I don't get it.
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Awww BJArtist is eating crayons again LMAO!!!!
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The time is at hand. Be sure you are saved and not just think you are. NarrowWayTruth.com
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Does the starvation of America's people, including the migrants/insurgents?
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Thanks. Did you see the news from the UK courts stating both silent prayer and saying 'God Bless You' are against the law? Good Bye means the same thing. How are they going to stop that? I've lost my badge I use to wear and can't find one on Christian websites. If anyone sees one please let me know.
ppl who believe the church will be in the great tribulation are antisemites ..take it for what is..you are making the claim that the blessings for the jews are for the church..sorry the great trib is for the salvation of the jewish nation to call them to the son and father.. you ppl are saying that god changes when he tells you he changes not..you dont understand his word correctly you are bending it to suit yourself .
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sorry GOD
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Take courage, my friends! We must remember: Moses' mother did NOT COMPLY! And the result was freedom for millions of God's people and the Promised Land seen in Moses' lifetime! David would not have conquered giants and Israel's enemies if he had COMPLIED with the evil king's orders! Mary and Joseph did NOT COMPLY with the king's evil edict but listened to the angel's warning and fled to Egypt until they were told it was "safe" to return! The Disciples and Apostles did NOT COMPLY and were jailed, stoned, imprisoned, killed and persecuted for spreading the Gospel of Salvation through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, John Bunyan, Calvin, John and Charles Wesley, and so many more believers were persecuted and killed for their faith because they WOULD NOT COMPLY with evil orders! The test is: God TRUMPS earthly rulers! His Rules Rule! Beyond Christianity, America itself would NOT exist if the early pilgrims, settlers and pioneers had "complied"! Jesus said it best: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" (Matthew 12:17; 22:21; Luke 20:24-30).
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You seriously need help or an exorcist.
I couldn't get it play even for audio
Hey. To stop people from getting in to your garage via the overhead door, use a C-clamp and secure it to one of the rails. No one can open it then.
Or a chain on the rails with a lock through links.
Cuban Missile Crisis - October 1962. Attack on USS Liberty by Israel was June 8, 1967.
Don't you mean the US led false flag operation involving the USS Liberty? It was Johnson's operation. The Israelis were involved. So was the USS Amberjack. Had their torpedo not been a dud the Liberty would have sunk. Who carried out the operation? John McCain's father. The Liberty may have been spying on Egypt but the purpose of them being there was actually to be sunk so Johnson could get the US military involved in the war on the side of Israel. You can hate Israel for being involved but the fact is that it was a US operation and not a foreign attack. You could spend more time crying about the Gulf of Tonkin, another US false flag operation that led to the death of over 60,000 US soldiers but it is hard to blame that one on "thuh joos" but I've heard Nazi fuks do it. Regards
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First of all, I only stated historical facts. I knew Johnson did nothing to help our men but didn’t know the false flag part. I wasn’t dumping in the ‘joos’ in any way. You might want to check your words before assuming. Either way, it’s good to know the extra detail you provided. I didn’t know McCain had father but his role doesn’t surprise me either.
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Well, the official story is that Israel didn't know the Liberty was a US ship as they were an NSA spy ship operating covertly under the code name "ROCKSTAR". While officially under the 6th fleet commanded by John McCain's father they took most of their commands directly from the Pentagon. There are various accounts of what happened. We may never know the full truth. "Classified" It is likely that the sailors onboard the Liberty largely had no idea of the scope of the operation. Compartmentalized. Israel officially apologized for the incident and paid over $6 million in restitution to the families of the wounded and killed and $6 million in damages to the ship. So, Israel paid $12 million in 1968 money in restitution for what officially ruled an accident. In today's money that's nearly $150 Million. Yet there are those who STILL try to use this historical event as an excuse for antisemitism and pretend that it was an act of premeditated murder. It is usually a hot topic of discussion on jihadist websites and white supremacist forums. I'm sorry if I falsely lumped you in with that ilk.
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I have a blind friend whom I help with purchasing food by sending her $50/week, but when I visited her, I was shocked that she had lost so much weight. She is cutting her intake in half anyway because food is so expensive, so I increased my donation to $75.00. We are being deliberately starved.
Thank you, both, and sending blessings!
Oh look. It's my favorite arse. When I need a laugh, I read your comments. I also agree about Steve btw. He hears more from the Lord than Moses ever did.
Thanks Doug and Randy, great shiw!!
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