Why is the book of JUDE neglected. Part 3.

2 months ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Thursday, October 17, 2024 Why is the book of JUDE neglected. Part 3.
Pastor Rick Kabrick PO BOX 595 Tiverton RI 02878
4 For certain individuals (plural masculine pronoun) whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in (crept in unawares) among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our GOD into a license for immorality (unbridled lust) and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and LORD.
ROM 1:28-32, Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge GOD, HE gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, GOD-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless. Although they know GOD’s righteous decree that those who do such things are worthy of death, they not only continue to do these things, but also approve of those who practice them.

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