The Fall Feasts Sukkot 5785/2024

4 months ago

18:38 Prayer for Israel and the Nations Numbers.B'midbar 29:12-34;

resources for the Hebrew Calendar to follow the Feasts:;;
the Garlows;;

Rabbi Yoshi's midrash:
A Midrash, Rabbi Yossi says that Hashem says to the Jews, "My children open for me an opening of Teshuva the size of the point of a needle and I'll open for you doorways which are large enough that wagons can enter". Hashem only asks us to do one thing: He does not “ask you to change our entire lives; He asks only that we open up for Him a space the size of the eye of a needle.” He wants a space “dedicated to Him. He wants, “only one moment, one space, one corner of our lives. He say, “but this moment, this space, this corner should be only for Me.”

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