Messiah's Mighty Men - E6 - Messiah's Mighty Men Walk in the Divine Will

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After Yeshua gave the Sermon on the Mount, we find him meeting the needs of the people through physical healing and deliverance from demons. Learn from Yeshua's example in Matthew 8, of how he is ready and willing to heal the sick, even honoring the faith of a Roman Centurion, foreshadowing that many believing Gentiles will be accepted into the Kingdom through faith in Israel's Messiah. Learn about our responsibility to bring the Good News of the Kingdom, and to use our gifts and intercession to help others who are weaker in faith to receive the healing and deliverance they need from Messiah.

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#MightyMen #BibleStudy #Faith #Yeshua #Healing #Peter #Paul #Deliverance #Overcome #Gentiles

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