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Election Security Call with Steve Stern and Raj Doraisamy Oct 16th, 2024

3 months ago

Election Security Call with Steve Stern and Raj Doraisamy Oct 16th, 2024

Our Featured Speakers:

Bill McGinley:
Update from RNC
Greg Stenstrom
Wayne Root
Kerri Toloczko
Cleta Mitchell
Ann Vandersteel
Chris Marino
Nilsa Alvarez
Melissa Redpill
Captain Seth Keshell
Dr. Rick Richards
Michele Swinick
John Goodman

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,
Steve Stern and Raj Doraisamy


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  • Thanks Steve, I posted this up on my channel too! https://rumble.com/v5jcduq-election-security-call-with-steve-stern-and-raj-doraisamy-oct-16th-2024.html

  • For all of you on the election integrity call October 16th, you saw a bit of the proof that I had acquired concerning Michigan 2020 tampering with the vote. You also heard Raj tell you that he would compile a presentation and put out a link in the next few days. After he made that promise to all of us, he disappeared to North Carolina, did not return calls or texts, and then when I finally asked him what's going on, he tried to blame me saying something about I was sending it in the wrong format. He never said anything about that until today when I've asked him on multiple occasions what else did he need from me to make it happen. The bottom line is he didn't keep his word to anyone on that election integrity call and now instead of stepping up and admitting he bit off more than he can chew, he decided to do the woke routine of blaming others. As far as Steve Stern, we had a verbal agreement that if I came on his show and proved that I really had undisputable evidence of Michigan election fraud, that he would step up and help me get it out nationally to deter cheating. Steve saw several things that I didn't even put out on the call and he knew it was true and my proof was real yet when I asked him if he was getting things going for us to go National he basically told me leave me alone I'm on vacation in New York. Number one, he can be wherever he wants but if I was in his job I wouldn't be on vacation two weeks before the election I would be working the phones trying to get more podcasters communicating with my team coming up with any strategies that might help in the last 2 weeks, etc. And even though he was on vacation, he does have a phone and he could have made a few phone calls and 10 minutes worth of phone calls would not have ruined his vacation so he didn't follow through either just like his associate Raj. Steve was on the absolute truth podcast after he knew I had proof and did not even say a word about it, and as I said, made no effort knowing it was true