Bible Study: Esther Part I

4 months ago

Esther Ch 1-4:3, We examine the court of Ahasuerus, discuss his identity, and meet Esther, Mordecai & Haman the Agagite.

Which Persian king is Ahasuerus? Cyrus? Darius? The first, second, the third? The great or not so great? We elucidate the dangers of affluence, decadence and unbelief. Find out what a Eunuch is. And find out how greed motivated the deposition of Vashti, and the Genocidal order of Haman.

We also assess clues in the text that indicate why Esther should be considered inspired scripture, the doctrine of obedience, and the fact that Jews rise to the top in royal courts all through the scripture.

We'll look at the lineage of Haman via Samuel and Agag, the ancient roots of antisemitism, the casting of lots and the wisdom of chance as given to man from God, and the on;y hope we have against then tyrants!

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